Another poorly informed editorial, this time by Charlie Smith at straight.com
I don't know. maybe there's like a two day time difference where he is. Seems he got this terribly wrong. This from Smith:
I don't know. maybe there's like a two day time difference where he is. Seems he got this terribly wrong. This from Smith:
"That's the Thunder Bay call centre where former employees have alleged that they directed voters to the wrong polling stations."
Kind of reminds me of that old tuna commercial. You remember. Sorry Charlie, only people with their facts straight should put something in the public domain. If Smith had of been paying the least bit of attention he might have come across this gem:
National Post:
An article published in the National Post on March 2, 2012, referred to Responsive Marketing Group Inc. and stated that former employees of RMG have alleged that they were asked by RMG to direct voters to the wrong polling stations. That report was incorrect. No allegation has been made that RMG asked its employees to direct voters to the wrong polling stations. The National Post apologizes to Responsive Marketing Group Inc. for the error.
Then again, I can forgive Charlie for the oversight. The original story was top news when the NP reported it, The apology, not so much. Probably hidden beside an ad for a Chevy Chevette and the Velvet Touch masseuse ad.
Kind of reminds me of that old tuna commercial. You remember. Sorry Charlie, only people with their facts straight should put something in the public domain. If Smith had of been paying the least bit of attention he might have come across this gem:
National Post:
An article published in the National Post on March 2, 2012, referred to Responsive Marketing Group Inc. and stated that former employees of RMG have alleged that they were asked by RMG to direct voters to the wrong polling stations. That report was incorrect. No allegation has been made that RMG asked its employees to direct voters to the wrong polling stations. The National Post apologizes to Responsive Marketing Group Inc. for the error.
Then again, I can forgive Charlie for the oversight. The original story was top news when the NP reported it, The apology, not so much. Probably hidden beside an ad for a Chevy Chevette and the Velvet Touch masseuse ad.
Here's the article from the Toronto Star on Thunder bay and what the employees tolf the toronto Star
Jason Lietaer, who ran the Tory political war room in 2011, made this interesting point in a Feb. 28 piece for Maclean's, regarding claims from Thunder Bay call-centre workers that their live calls were misdirecting voters in some ridings: "the allegation is that the Conservative party used its official call centre to attempt to misdirect non-CPC voters to polling stations across town, while telling them the Conservative party is responsible for the message. As a strategy, it seems preposterous. It just doesn't make any sense."
I agree. If a party wanted to get away with some kind of misdirection, the callers wouldn't have identified the political outfit they worked for.
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