Today's example of MSM spinning a story with a torqued headline award goes to CanadaEast.com:
"Poll suggests many would like to see Elizabeth May in Commons"
So reading the headline would appear to imply that most Canadian's want Dizzy Lizzy in the HoC. Problem is when you start to actually read the story it says over 40% want her in Parliament. No exact number, so I'm guessing it's probably 40.?%. So what is the number who don't want her there? Try 36%.
"OTTAWA - A new poll suggests that just over 40 per cent of Canadians would like to see Green Party Leader Elizabeth May win a Commons seat.
The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey indicates that only 36 per cent of those surveyed don't want her in Parliament.
A plurality supported May's election in every region but Quebec, where 45 per cent were opposed."
So 40% is many and 36% is only. It's funny, but every poll showing the PM's leadership numbers always seems to state the number who are against his leadership, and that's usually what the details of the poll reflect on. So Lizzy has 4% more that think she should be in Parliament than do not. Hardly impressive. Then there's that margin of error thing:
"The poll, part of omnibus phone survey, questioned just over 1,000 people July 23-26 and is considered accurate to within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times in 20."
I think this even surpasses that other headline about the supposed Tory loyalist who wants to run for Iggy in the next election. Problem is he has never ran for office, or held a key role in the party. Keep spinning guys.
"Poll suggests many would like to see Elizabeth May in Commons"
So reading the headline would appear to imply that most Canadian's want Dizzy Lizzy in the HoC. Problem is when you start to actually read the story it says over 40% want her in Parliament. No exact number, so I'm guessing it's probably 40.?%. So what is the number who don't want her there? Try 36%.
"OTTAWA - A new poll suggests that just over 40 per cent of Canadians would like to see Green Party Leader Elizabeth May win a Commons seat.
The Canadian Press Harris-Decima survey indicates that only 36 per cent of those surveyed don't want her in Parliament.
A plurality supported May's election in every region but Quebec, where 45 per cent were opposed."
So 40% is many and 36% is only. It's funny, but every poll showing the PM's leadership numbers always seems to state the number who are against his leadership, and that's usually what the details of the poll reflect on. So Lizzy has 4% more that think she should be in Parliament than do not. Hardly impressive. Then there's that margin of error thing:
"The poll, part of omnibus phone survey, questioned just over 1,000 people July 23-26 and is considered accurate to within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times in 20."
I think this even surpasses that other headline about the supposed Tory loyalist who wants to run for Iggy in the next election. Problem is he has never ran for office, or held a key role in the party. Keep spinning guys.
"I think this even surpasses that other headline about the supposed Tory loyalist who wants to run for Iggy in the next election. Problem is he has never ran for office, or held a key role in the party."
He also worked for turner at one point, which always looks good on a resume, plus the government just fired him for "exceeding his responsibilities".
I guess what puzzles me is that this story has been re-written 3 times this week, and picked up each time by NNW.
Supposedly 40?% want May in the house. I wonder how many of them want her to be THEIR MP? Could be a case of NIMBY.
Talk about spin. Dizzy Lizzy with a seat!! Give us all a break and send her off to chew branches.
The Tory Story is amazing. He was a bag handler, read "Carrier of bags" and now he's a Former Tory. Gasp!!!
Trash, just pure trash.
They're not waiting for the asteroid.
Totally manufactured poll results.
They know who to phone to get the results their customer wants.
Enough said.
'I guess what puzzles me is that this story has been re-written 3 times this week, and picked up each time by NNW.'
NNW went Liberal at the same time Libloggers cleaned house of dissenting voices....when Warren Kinsella took Iffy's communications over.
Ahhh, yes.
Good old NNW, propaganda arm of the Gliberal Goofball Party of Canada.
Enough said.
Why not the marijuana party, hezbollah party or the tamil tigers party or for that matter the Taliban party or Hamas party; why not? all these parties are friends of the opposition parties as well as the NATIONAL MEDIA.
Anything the liberals and coalition support-the media support as well.
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