Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ignatieff Scores Knockout On Harper In Debate

There you have it. The english debate has yet to begin at the time of writing, but I'm guessing this will be the headline in the media tommorrow. Do I think Ignatieff will score a knockout? No. I don't think he will even be declared the winner of the debate by most Canadians.

So why my prediction of that headline? Looking over the first two weeks of the campaign, more importantly, media reporting of the campaign, even if Ignatieff wet himself and rolled up in the fetal position in the corner the regular Liberal lackies will still somehow spin it into a win for Ignatieff.


  1. ' if Ignatieff wet himself and rolled up in the fetal position in the corner the regular Liberal lackies will still somehow spin it into a win for Ignatieff. '

    Yup, they would probably call it "improv theatre", and claim how talented he is.

  2. I said this from the beginning. I mean look whos moderating. the Deck is stacked against him.I also said at the beginning that the grits are gonna play dirty to. there gonna do what they can. to score points,. and thats what they tried to do yesterday.

  3. Actually Jack had the zinger of the evening when he said that despite all of Iggy's talk of democracy Iggy had missed 70% of the votes in Parliament. Too bad Harper didn't make the obvious reply to Iggy's insults.

  4. Iggy shit the bed. lol

  5. You knew that the deck was stacked when the first question, asking Mr. Harper by name, asked why corporations should get a tax cut when "families are struggling to pay the bills"

    I have to admit though, Mr. Harper won because he actually got to get his points across without being talked over for the most part.

  6. After the debate (if you wish to call it that) one of the media asked Mr. Ignatieff "what about the percentage of votes you missed in the HOC, but he just waved and walked off the set because his wife was there.
    Saved by the bell.
    I wonder if the CBC will ask that tough question tomorrow morning.
    Cue Rosie, Milewski, Taber and the rest of the Lib lefties = Dead silence.

  7. Harper was a class act. Only one there with a brain. Ignatieff was terrible. What will CBC do now?

  8. There you have it:

    Michael Ignatieff wins debate with focus on economic choices, democracy and health care.

    I couldn't believe just what a dud Ignatieff was. He even disappointed me!

  9. he looked like a pool hustler who got hustled for his last five bucks . whipped.


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