Monday, April 11, 2011

A Quite Funny Look Into The Mind Of A Liberal Supporter...

One of the websites I like to check each day is

I like the fact you can look at each individual riding, including current candidates and margins of victory for past elections. What I really like is people can post comments on each riding, including their prediction of who will win that riding in the 2011 federal election. Living in the riding of Ajax-Pickering, I am hoping for Conservative candidate Chris Alexander to unseat Liberal incumbent Mark Holland. And I came across this gem of a comment posted by someone named Diane, a Liberal supporter. Diane seems to think Alexander is unfit to be an MP in Parliament. Fair enough. But read the comment yourself and tell me what person could be inserted in place of Alexander, and still have her comment make some sense. I'm not sure if this person is partisanly blind or ignorant of the facts concerning the person whose name I bet you guess:

" To be now parachuted into Ajax-Pickering with no Canadian political history and no roots or history to the area, he will not be successful. His knowledge of Afghanistan may be extensive, but Canada is NOT the Country of Afghanistan or Russia for that matter. He may have ideas how Afghanistan may improve as he continues on a Canada wide panel to build support for a ‘new mission’ in Afghanistan Post 2011, which I would suggest he continue on that path as he did declare himself a 'Career Diplomat' upon his graduation from university. His recent comment about 'no poverty in Canada', further confirms his living and being employed outside of Canada from 1993 to 2009 is he's clearly out of touch of Canadian reality. Thanks, But No Thanks


  1. I bet that "Diane" has a crush on her leader, Michael though.

    Chris A may have been working outside of Canada but he was working FOR Canada unlike the "parachuted" Liberal leader that has said things that suggested to me that we were an embarrassment to him.

    I think Chris has a good chance!

  2. So having never seen real poverty around the world Diane is furious that someone who has been in poor countries might dare to suggest poverty is not as severe here. Another genius who votes Liberal.

  3. Libercrites the whole lot of them. (real conservative)

  4. Want to get into the mind of a Liberal supporter go check out Kinsella's blog
    now there are some stalwarts who are really sticking with the ship

  5. Diane's just having a fit...the Liberals wanted Alexander...he chose the Conservatives and he has a pedigree Holland only wishes he could have...btw, Holland is really adding to the visual pollution in A-P with a whole crop of new signs including picture...he comes just THIS close to looking sincere...

  6. Someone, please inform me about how "career diplomat" became a pejorative term in the Canadian lexicon.

  7. Wasn't Mike Pearson a career diplomat ?


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