Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Ignatieff Has Now Attended 50% Of The Debates, Surpassing His Record of Voting Attendance In Parliament...

Atta boy Jack. Show Canadians your the second best choice for PM behind Stephen Harper. So I guess Ignatieff was a master at giving lectures at Harvard. Cause he sure didn't look like a master debater.


  1. Ignatieff looked so very tired; literally shaking his head to wake himself up at times. The reason he missed to many days of work? He slept in??

  2. When Jack went after Iggy's attendance record, Iggy looked like a master(de)bator caught by his momma!

  3. "The reason he missed to many days of work? He slept in??"

    Love it!

  4. What's Duceppe's problem with Conservatives, anyway? The only reason there is a stupid Bloc is because of a stupid PC.

    I suspect that it's because the Bloc has brought the PoQ so far left that their 'Right Roots' are the family's dirty little secret?

  5. Iggy could not beat Layton! forget PM were looking at a new official opposition leader. "At least we form government" Uh oh I'm entitled to my entitlement!

  6. I love your title. Iggy has now attended 50% of the debates. surpassing his voting attendance in Parliament.
    That is a winner just like Stephen Harper.

  7. According to Iggy, that wasn't a debate. It was about democracy. Or something like that....

  8. The single time I thought Ignatieff may be a potential leader is when he got into "letting the flowers grow" with hand motions, and mournful expression...I thought he was going to "lead" in a mellow verse of Kum ba yah My Lord...

  9. Hey all,

    Nearly all the pundits on CBC & CTV agreed that Layton scored the best blow of the night with the question of Iggy's attendance. I agree. Loved it.

    Isn't it odd that that clip hasn't been shown on any of the commentary since on CTV, CBC or Global? I've watched every channel and have been searching online. It's almost like the media doesn't want us to see it.

    In the post debate interviews, a reporter, (I believe it was Julie Van Dusen) questioned Layton, asking "are you keeping a count or what?" Layton had to defend himself --I mean, how dare he ask such a question! --and tell this reporter, cum-Liberal shill, that the information is public knowledge. Because, you know, a reporter would never notice something like the leader of the Liberal party never actually showing up to work.

  10. NDP haave an ad out about Ignatieff's attendance. Saw it on BBC Canada last night.

  11. MPs' attendance records were part of some articles in the Globe & Mail recently:

    It just goes to show you ... hardly anyone reads the Globe anymore.


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