Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Does Ignatieff Even Know About University Education Programs In The Armed Forces?

I don't think so. Ignatieff brags today about his $1 billion dollar a year program for anyone attending a university. Of course it probably never dawned on Ignatieff, nor any media journalist that Ignatieff is prepared to give every person who attends a university a minimum of $4000 meaning those mega-buck CEO's children, those high income earning executives working in those large corporatuions Ignatieff likes to bash would also get $4000. Is that the Liberal plan. Raise corporate taxes and then give the rich cash they probably don't need?

"The “Canadian Learning Passport” will offer $4,000 tax-free grants to every high school student who chooses to go to university, college or CEGEP, according to a news release given to reporters covering the Ignatieff campaign."

You know, Ignatieff has been talking for some time about how us Canadians need better access to university educations. You know, all those hard-working factory workers could be doing so much better. Small business owners too. But you know what really shows Ignatieff's ignorance on Canada, the country he spent most of his life away from? While he continues to rail against jets, citing we shouldn't be spending money on such things as new fighter jets, despite the fact our current jets are now 30 years old he never once mentions the fantastic educational programs any Canadian can get by joining our armed forces. Read this and tell me again how the Liberal plan is just so fantastic. Ignatieff offers $1000 a year, and the average university tuition is $6000+. And why doesn't Ignattieff ever mention this info.

PAID UNIVERSITY Enrol in the Canadian Forces through the Regular Force Officer Training Plan (ROTP) and you will receive free university tuition, books and academic equipment in addition to a salary with benefits. You can attend the Royal Military College or an approved Canadian university. Finally, you will have a guaranteed job upon graduation. In return for having your university education paid for, you will have to serve between 36 and 48 months, calculated on the basis of two months' service for each month of subsidized education.

PAID COLLEGE Enrol in the Canadian Forces through the Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Education Plan (NCM SEP), and you will receive free college tuition, books and academic equipment in addition to a salary with benefits. Finally, you will have a guaranteed job upon graduation. In return for having your college education paid for, you will have to serve a number of years calculated on the basis of two months' service for each month of subsidized education. For example, if you receive paid college education over the course of 4 semesters, you will have to serve in the military for at least 32 months upon completing the program (each semester is four months long).

Reserve Force UNIVERSITY REIMBURSEMENT + PART-TIME JOB Enrol as an Officer in the Canadian Forces through the Reserve Entry Training Plan (RETP), and you will attend the Royal Military College. You will receive an officer cadet’s salary when doing military training but you must pay for your own tuition and books. You will be eligible for a reimbursement of up to $2,000 per year to a maximum of $8,000. It is also possible to sign up first as an officer or a non-commissioned member in the Primary Reserve and set up an “Individual Learning Plan” to attend courses leading to a college or university degree related to your trade; upon successful completion of such courses, you will be eligible for a reimbursement of up to 50 per cent of tuition and other mandatory costs. Reservists can leave the Canadian Forces at any time with no obligation. Education fees for successfully completed courses are reimbursed as long as the student was a Reservist during the entire duration of the course.


  1. I have no idea where your going with this one but how about this one.

    Very respectfully, you need to get more up to speed on this.

    You oviously dont know this exists either.

    Canada School of Public Service


  2. That program has been around for five years. Ignatieff introduced his plan today. Well, roughly 4 times today because he was so unprepared for questions about loopholes.

    If Ignatieff reall cares about Canadians getting a university education, one would think he would mention the armed forces program at least once.

  3. Great idea.....give a University/College education to the kids that will be looking for careers in the very Corporations that he has taken the coin from? Not a business savvy guy is he?

    AS well, I can't wait for the reaction from tax paying Canadians, when the rich kids get their weekend beer money handed to them.

    These Liberals are 2 bricks short of a load!

  4. And what about young adults(22 year olds) that want to go to college or university. They don't benefit. Seems that the Ignatief and the liberals didn't think through his fly by the seat of his pants policy making.

  5. Comparable to government Day Care....free money

  6. Iggy's plan will basically give all the schools a license to print money by hiking tuition costs to the point where $4000 won't seem like all that much.

  7. Bec said...
    March 29, 2011 5:37:00 PM PDT


    Chretien changed the political contribution laws in Canada.

    No money from Corporations to political partys, just individual personal donations only that are in compliace with Elections Canada . Refer to Election Canada website for official information.

  8. You can get your cegep paid for too by applying to the Collège militaire Royal St-Jean as my son has done. Besides being not at all in the military milieu, the Liberals are so Toronto centric that no one grasped that the $1,000 grant far exceeds the cost of cegep in Quebec.

  9. Nothing ever seems to add up with this Count.

  10. "Chretien changed the political contribution laws in Canada"

    Read Bec's comment again. Apparently you read something that's not there.

  11. Wasn't it the liberals that cut funding to education? Of course. but as usual not many canadians knew about it. which is the idea, so, what they defunded can be reused again in their campaign to later be defunded again. A see saw game with children's lives

  12. Bec said.

    Great idea.....give a University/College education to the kids that will be looking for careers in the very Corporations that he has taken the coin from?

  13. That's right Jen. Just like healthcare. Liberals cut billions from healthcare, then called it an increase whenever they increased transfers, never mentioning it was still below the level from years earlier.

  14. You still don't get Bec's comment. Keep trying bud.

  15. Not sure if Iggy's plan includes those who are going into the trades?
    Anyone know?

  16. The RESP has been around for years... I guess if Iggy was in Canada, he would have known....


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