Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Question That Puts Talk Of A Coalition To Rest... And Yet No Journalist Wants To Ask

All this talk of coalitions is a moot point. If any journalist wants to really put all this to rest, they should ask the right question That being.

1. Mr. Harper, if the Liberals win a minority, will you respect the will of Canadians and support the throne speech and budget, and allow for stable government for a reasonable amount of time ( say 18 months) before seeking a vote of non-confidence?
2. Mr. Ignatieff, if the Conservatives win a minority, will you respect the will of Canadians and support the throne speech and budget, and allow for stable government for a reasonable amount of time ( say 18 months) before seeking a vote of non-confidence?
3. Mr. Layton, if the Conservatives win a minority, will you respect the will of Canadians and support the throne speech and budget, and allow for stable government for a reasonable amount of time ( say 18 months) before seeking a vote of non-confidence?

If journalists really want the coalition done with, they need to have each of the leaders, on camera, reply to the question with either a yes or no answer, with no wiggle room left post election. Canadians deserve this!

p.s. This is quite similar to a recent post I did. Hopefully someone in the media gets the hint this time and asks the question as posted and gets a yes or no answer.


  1. If we actually had qualified journalists/reporters, that is exactly the kind of question they would be asking of all party leaders. Furthermore, they would insist on a clear answer from each one. Unfortunately we seem to be plagued with propaganda tools seeking to pass themselves off as journalists/reporters.

  2. It's amazing how much bias they exhibit on twitter. You should check it out. They are REALLY bitching about having only 5 questions a day on the Harper tour. Not a peep about that on the Iggy tour. Just glowing reviews of every event.

  3. Did the CBC ever do an excellent job detailing the coalition story, showed speecehs, letters who was in and who wasnt..

    What will the Harper conservatives tell their base now? Maybe, were sorry?

  4. I almost get the impression AToryNoMore works for the CBC.
    Who talks like that? Did the CBC ever do an excellent job?????
    What rock have you been hiding under? Are you just visiting like the professor?

  5. Fay, I was a conservative for a long long time. I dont like what the party has become. It just doesnt have any of the old PC, Reform or Alliance elements any more.

    Its toast, and once Harper has left as leader, it will strengthen and flourish again. Just that plain and just that simple.

  6. Asking these questions would be an interesting excersize but nothing more than that.No intelligent person would put any faith in the credibilty of any answer given.

  7. Things are starting to rumble Take a look at the CTV Nanos poll clip on the CTV wesite.


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