Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ignatieff's Education Plan Will Cost In Excess Of $30 Billion...Or Is It $200 Billion?

Let's see, $1 billion a year. Now multiply by 30 years. That's the mathematical formula the opposition uses for the F-35's. Of course if history is any indication, we should use the gun registry cost formula, which is the Liberal estimated cost X 200%


  1. If history repeats itself, the conservatives will be found in contempt of parliament and will most likely be using that in-and-out scheme in this election as well. Maybe we can stop talking about history and start talking about future, and not 2015 possible income-splitting... If the budget get miraculously balanced whilst cutting the revenue received from corporations.

  2. Exactly ... 30 billion dollars. I hope, even if in fun, Harper starts using that number to drive home the absurdity of the Liberal and MSM version of the F-35 program.

  3. I wonder if Ignatieff's knows he's running in a federal election?

    I've heard him talk about health care and education which are Provincial matters.


  4. Ann McCallum and Art Eagleson were in contemp of parliament too but it was the majority Liberals in the committee who voted it down. They go off and the case was swept under the carpet.This contempt was handed to the stacked Coalition members in the Kangaroo court by Liberal Milliken who said it was "confusing". The coalition wanted documents of cabinet confidence(something never given up before). They got their budget figures but Liberal Kevin Page blew up the costs for his Liberal buddies. This so called contempt was a vote by the 3 stooges trying to take the Govt. down to get POWER. The only contempt is by Canadians for the coalition. The only ones who think its contempt is the coalition supporters.Bet Maynard from Elections Canada was happy also along with CBC/CTV and media.

  5. I sure would like my next pickup truck to be made in Canada, not made in Mexico. I have had 2 GM pickups and 1 Ford. I presently have a minivan because its made in Canada in Brampton.

    Lets make Canada competitive again.
    We have a declining student post grads, declining industry and manufacturing, factories are outdates because we dont make things here any more.

    Take a look at an excerpt from the link below.

    The plan, which would see a Liberal government making contributions to existing registered education savings plans, or RESPs, would provide students $1,000 a year for four years, or up to $1,500 a year for four years for low-income families.


  6. Dave said...
    I wonder if Ignatieff's knows he's running in a federal election?

    I've heard him talk about health care and education which are Provincial matters.


    March 29, 2011 11:13:00 AM PDT

    The feds transfer money to the provinces for education and health care. They are transfer payments, like the %3 billion Ottawa have Ontario for the HST.

    You need to get a little bit more aware of what your federal governmnent does for you and to you.

  7. Oh great another Liberal plan that screws middle class students just like the "millenium" grants from Chretien. When I went to university my parents were "too rich" for ME to qualify for student loans. They wouldn't pay for my schooling so I had to work full time while my classmates on loans and grants partied it up. That's Iggy's plan for Canada. Pay a bunch of "poor kids" to go party it up and study art history. Good plan Iggy.

  8. Anonymous said...
    Oh great another Liberal plan that screws middle class students just like the "millenium" grants from Chretien. When I went to university my parents were "too rich" for ME to qualify for student loans. They wouldn't pay for my schooling so I had to work full time while my classmates on loans and grants partied it up. That's Iggy's plan for Canada. Pay a bunch of "poor kids" to go party it up and study art history. Good plan Iggy.

    March 29, 2011 12:05:00 PM PDT

    If they were too rich for you to qulify for a loan what was the problem?

    Dont know what you were doing, but I was busting my butt in highschool, getting ready for post secondary ed. Paid my own frieght, too proud and my dad told me how proud he was of me doing that many years later. I was always and remain entrepreneurial, however I know some kids today don't have the abundance of opportunity I had.

    Most seats in universities are subsidized anyway, so whats the big deal?

    Eh, what, eh?

  9. "If they were too rich for you to qulify for a loan what was the problem?"

    Well, according to Ignatieff every student attending university will get the $4000 grant. Never mentioned high income earners are exempt.

  10. Are they going to give us 30 years to pay the 30 Billion? If they won't then your argument is less than sound.
    30 billion producing qualified future tax payers sound like a plan.
    30 billion for a white elephant and all the money disappearing overseas not so much.

  11. "Are they going to give us 30 years to pay the 30 Billion? If they won't then your argument is less than sound"

    Uhh, actually, yes they are. The $30 billion is the total cost over 30 years, much of it being for maintenance and upgrades for the jets. The governmentand DND estimates are $16 billion over 20 years, which actually works out to be cheaper than Ignatieff's education plan. We already pay those same maintenance costs for the current F-18's. DND also states the costs of the new jets will be the same as the current F-18's.

    So I guess my argument is quite sound. And I guess it's beyond you to recognize that those in our armed forces actually get or improve their education while serving our country.

  12. By the way, the first expenditure for the F-35's is not for another 3 years. I'm guessing you probably didn't know that either harebell.

  13. "The plan, which would see a Liberal government making contributions to existing registered education savings plans, or RESPs, would provide students $1,000 a year"

    Sounds like the program that already exists, which the Liberals brought in in 1998 where the government matches your contributions to your child's RESP

  14. "30 billion for a white elephant and all the money disappearing overseas not so much."

    That would be less than 30 years of CBC sucking taxpayers dollars down the black hole called "Mother Corps"

  15. Are you seriously trying to compare a 30 year post secondary education help plan to the opposition to a no-bid fighter jet contract? Are you intentionally being disingenuous or are you really just that ignorant?


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