Monday, November 4, 2013

The Broadbent Institue :WHITE PRIVELAGE

"However when white politicians, and even wealthy public figures run into trouble as is evident with Mayor Ford, some journalists are quick to remind each other about not covering family. "

All I can say is WOW!!!

And be sure to check out the tweets at the lower right of the page. Over to you Thomas Mulclair!

The Next Time The Media And Opposition Questions PM Harper's Judgement, Mention The Name Art Eggleton

 With the media and opposition refusing to let go of the senate story, and now all parroting the line about how badly this reflects on the PM's judgement, I've decided to do some blog posts over the next few weeks that should be talking points for Conservatives. These postings will reflect both Jean Chretien and Paul Martin's judgement in both cabinet and senate appointments.

 First up is Liberal senator Art Eggleton. Eggleton was appointed to cabinet by Chretien. "Eggleton was fired from the cabinet in May 2002, after he had hired his former girlfriend to do some research, creating an uproar over non-tendered contracts and conflict-of-interest scandals. The ethics commissioner Howard Wilson ruled that Eggleton had broken the conflict-of-interest rules.(source: Wikipedia). That's right. Chretien's hand picked cabinet minister was found to have broken conflict of interest rules.

 Now the Liberals might argue that when Eggleton's indiscretions came to light, he was removed from cabinet. That's what makes this blog post so juicy. You see, you actually get a 2-fer bringing up Eggleton., Yes, Chretien's judgement must seriously be questioned, but what about former Liberal PM Paul Martin?

 You see, despite Eggleton being dumped from cabinet and being found to have broken rules, Paul Martin still saw fit to appoint him to the senate. He was appointed to the Senate by Paul Martin on March 24, 2005. He is currently the Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, and a member of the Senate Committee on National Finance.

 Now you might cut PM Harper some slack as the conflicts by Wallin, Brazeau and Duffy came after their senate appointments. But what does it say when a Liberal PM appoints someone to the senate despite previous indiscretions that involved taxpayer dollars?