Seems as though CBC's Kady O'Malley, in her zest to defend and protect Justin Trudeau, might have been a lttle over the top in passing along information that Paul Wells POINTS TO as some type of uber-hypocrisy about PM Harper slamming Justin Trudeau's comments following the Boston marathon terrorist attack. Just one problem Mr. Wells, err, Ms. O'Malley. OK, I'm confused. You see if Wells actually took the time to look at the CBC video showing the PM's remarks about Trudeau, he would have seen that what he wrote actually is without basis.
You can see the video HERE.
Go to the 2:15 mark. The PM clearly states that when this type of terrorist attack occurs, leaders should denounce it in the strongest ways. Makes sense to me. Wells, err Kady, tries to make the stretch that a government funding announcment regarding the Kanishka Project made in 2009 points to hypocrisy by the PM. Quick history lesson. When making that announcment, the PM referenced Flight 182, the Air India flight that had a bomb go off in 1985. In fact, Wells, err, Kady actually reinforces this with this quote:
“…the first and most solemn duty of government is to keep its people safe. It took far too long to learn the lessons of Flight 182. One of those lessons is that information is an important tool in the struggle against terrorism. We need to know as much as we can about terrorists, their tactics, and the best solutions to protect people…"
Now I'm sure, Wells, uh, Kady, you know, might have actually read the minutes of the PM's speech that Wells himself supplies the link to. If she/he did, they surely must have read this:
"There is an important message that the families asked me to deliver last year and it’s worth repeating now. It is a message to my fellow political leaders of every party and at every level of government. We must denounce violent extremism at every opportunity. And we must also denounce the extremist organizations and individuals who advocate violence and often try to conceal it.".
Seems to me the PM has been quite consistent in his comments, while Wells/O'Maelley get a failing grade.
Don't expect an apology from either Wells or O'mouthy.
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