Sunday, March 11, 2012

Warren Kinsella ReWriting History Again?

Warren has his latest Sun News editorial out today, and seems to want to rewrite history, albeit to take some of the tarnish off his pal John Chretien:

"Thus, when my former boss Jean Chretien called in the RCMP in May 2002 to probe the then-nascent sponsorship file, the Liberal party was sitting at more than 50% in national public opinion polls."

Actually Warren, it was AG Sheila Fraser who called in the RCMP, as a result of a tip from a civil servant a few years earlier. It was Fraser who wrote that every rule in the book had been broken in regards to the $350 million in contracts doled out for little or no work, with some of that money kicked back to the Liberal Party. In fact Chretien dismissed Adscam in Question Period one day, saying if a few million of taxpayer dollars were stolen it was no biggy.

And if memory serves me correctly, it was Chretien who prorogued Parliament to avoid having the the AG ADSCAM report presented to the house while he was still PM. He instead dropped that steaming pile of dung onto Paul Martin. The problem is Chretien can never get all the smell of that dung off him.

Warren does make one point that I wholeheartedly agree with, " As a result, Harper will win again in 2015. Though my reasoning doesn't follow Warren's logic that it will be a result of vote splitting on the left, but rather the fact the faux-robocall scandal won't stick, nothing there, other than a few complaints in the riding of Guelph, and contacts from Leadnow that will prove false and unsubstantiated.

I'm also somewhat surprised by Warren's column. Most strategists know that when the gun is pointed at your opponent, it's never a bright idea to hand it to them and let them take aim at you. By bringing up Chretien, the Liberal Party, and Adscam, it looks like bang bang your dead.

Absolutely brilliant:0)


  1. Good post! Actually when I think about it what can Warren bring up about the Liberals thats positive.
    Chretain with adscam, his golf course deal.
    Persecuting the Bank Manager who stood up to him by refusing a loan to Chretains "buyer"
    Buying two jets,
    Cancelling the helicopters.
    Outright fakery, promising to get rid of GST.
    Not a Leader I was proud of.

  2. Warren is off the rails and out in never never land. His column last week saying that RoboCon(his word) would stick to the Conservatives for years to come, was so out there,(with his Code Yellow, Code Red..), that it was actually humorous.

    I agree with Bubba, there is nothing,absolutely nothing that is positive about the Liberals, then or now.

    And yes Paul, the reason the Conservatives win again will be because of their opponents offering nothing to Canadians other than "Those mean, mean Conservatives", and the Conservatives offering up a stable, reality based government.



  3. "... Good post! Actually when I think about it what can Warren bring up about the Liberals thats positive.
    Chretain with adscam, his golf course deal.
    Persecuting the Bank Manager who stood up to him by refusing a loan to Chretains "buyer"
    Buying two jets,
    Cancelling the helicopters.
    Outright fakery, promising to get rid of GST.
    Not a Leader I was proud of. ..."

    With regard to Chretien ... you forgot a few ...
    * Buying 2nd hand British crap submarines
    * Decimating the military and then sending them to Afghanistan without proper equipment
    * Springing Khadr sr. from a Pakistan jail
    * Gun registry
    * Kyoto

    ... and Kinsella was an intimate part of that "lovely" legacy.

  4. I always find myself feeling embarrassed for Canada when I hear Mr Kinsella's rants. Some of us read the Gomerey files and understand the amateurish games that the interviews show Mr Kinsella was up to.
    I just shake my head when Sun news gives him time to display his Machiavellian gifts. There must be a few Liberals around that Sun news could use to appear balanced.

  5. "also somewhat surprised by Warren's column."

    I like your osting and I also am surprised at Kinsella's column for the same reason.

    But the two things I'm surprised at are why that washed up has-been is still employed by a news organization and why anyone still reads his columns.

    For Pete's SAKE! He's still blathering about Chretien! That was HOW LONG ago?

    I thought news organizations were about NEWS y'know?

    What on earth is NEW about kinsella?

  6. I think the Sun should keep him. lets Sun readers see how clueless the left are.Good contrast.. Good for the soul.

  7. Don't forget the pepperspray and the strangling of a protester that JC was guilty of.

  8. I hope the Sun keeps WK in place,so we can see how the Liberal mind works and be reminded of it if we should forget.

    As has been said by other posters here,Chretien presided over the most scandal-ridden government in Canadian history.

    Kinsella should know better than to resurrect Chretien's name and regime,but maybe he has rose-colored 20/20 hindsight,and looks on those days as glorious.

  9. Well written. Send it to the Sun for publishing in letter to the editor or op ed section.


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