Sunday, March 11, 2012

RoboGate: That New Car Smell Is Gone....

and it ain't coming back. The media seem to be dropping the faux-outrage purported to be coming from Canadians coast to coast. It's been an interesting week. An online petition with NDP links being counted as "complaints by the opposition and media. People who have filed complaints, yet whose Facebook page seems to contradict their own timeline of misleading calls, (info sent to EC), the opposition stating only the CPC had a list of non-supporters, and then we find out the opposite.

We've seen outraged opposition leaders make wild accusations, then having to backtrack and issue apologies. We've seen former campaign managers do the same. We've had opposition leaders and MP's decry robocalls, only to learn they themselves used them as well. Bob Rae has seen religion and now thinks robocalls are a great campaign tool. We even learned that Guelph, ground zero for robogate, did in fact have robocalls that contravened EC laws. Problem was it was the Liberals. Today we witnessed protests, most which included numbers you can count using your fingers.

And it appears within days Elections Canada will have "Pierre Poutine" in a set of handcuffs, solving this whodunnit non-drama for the supposed teaming masses screaming about "the greatest electoral fraud in Canadian history". The opposition may have accidentally opened up a new can of worms, focusing on possible electoral fraud not related to robocalls, but somewhat questionable voters, voting lists, etc. And not related to the CPC.

Through all of this, Conservative polling numbers remain solid, showing that despite being in power since January 2006, PM Harper still has that new car smell and shiny paint. The opposition parties and media on the other hand, look like an '86 K-car. Too many miles, the paints faded, unreliable, and nobody can figure out how to get rid of that odor.


  1. NP just reported that Poutine is gonna turn himself in and fess up...

    I'll bust a vein laughing if its a lefty...

  2. No matter what, this news story is about to get very smelly again

  3. "PM Harper still has that new car smell and shiny paint. The opposition parties and media on the other hand, look like an '86 K-car."

    And who would know better than Paul about that? ;>)


  4. LOL Platty.

    How so Zorph? Poutine's identity will be revealed in the next few days, and then this non-scandal will fade into the sunset.

    I still think it will be someone not linked to any party, but rather someone who got carried away with the partisan crap.

  5. I think I know who it is
    By reading the article he could have been mentioned and I noticed this blogger has been silent for over a month
    Could be wrong though
    Anways whoever it is he did not get orders from Harper or the national campaign so it is just another PPG scandalc

  6. Any idea of when this grand unveiling is going to happen?

  7. no idea, but i'm sure there are people s---ing bricks tonight. if it turns out you are right Paulm i owe you a coke

  8. From the looks of things, RoboGate has become a non-issue only supported by a few lunatics and the media. The only people crapping their pants will be some reporters and they'll move on like it never happened in the end. I think the lesson here is the EC needs a total house cleaning and their activities need to be audited.

  9. Since when did election fraud on this scale become a "non issue"?

  10. will be a non issue IF it Pierre is connected to any party Other than the CPC.

  11. And Zorph on what scale are you talking about.Nothing on the Conservatives scale yet..What fraud you talking about Zorph???Liberal/NDP fraud??Really got to make a point Zorph.Your not talking about those phony 31000 complaints made up by the media are you Zorph..31000 idiots who did not have a problem during the election,but 10 months later,at the urging of the press now can recall a problem..Were you one of them Zorph??

  12. Who paid for the liberals and ndp attack ads during the 2011 election? Just asking.

    How many lib mps still owe EC and from when(year)this began?

    And, be on guard Paul, someone is lurking in the dark waiting for a PIN to drop from the conservatives to then turn it into a HUGE Needle(massive story). You know how inventive they are.

    Question for the media "why do you hate the PM HARPER so much that you are willing to sell your country to any outsider just to get rid of the PM. What has he done to you to deserve such intense hate from you?"

  13. bertie, regardless of who Poutine is connect to, it is still an issue. I am surprise that so many of you couldn't give a s--- that someone tried very hard to screw with our democratic process.

  14. Once again Liberal hysteria + Media Party Amplification = nothing.
    It has however turned up some other interesting things like EC accepting last minute voters without adequate ID?
    Failed Liberal Leadership hopefuls still owing money.
    The oppos have asked for more more money for EC.
    I am all for that and clean out the partisans while you are there.
    As for "us" not caring about our Democratic process, I am calling bullshit on that, typical lefty deflection.
    All the opposition has is shrieking and freaking.
    It ain't workin', as the "massive protests' show
    Cheers Bubba

  15. turns out EC says Poutine will be reveled after they go to prosecution, hahaha and the liberanos just fessedup


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