Friday, February 17, 2012

It's Amazing How Screwed Ontario's Finances Are...

When you are paying 24% on items. Just bought a new printer at Staples. Price, $49.99, plus HST, plus McGuinty's "environmental fee". Grand total is $62.41, which includes aforementioned green fee of $5.40, or a little over 10%. Of course that enviro tax is also taxed by the HST. Plus the provincial portion of the HST, another 8%.

Think about it. That's 19% going into McGuinty's pocket. He gets billions more from the federal government in transfers, $3 billion from his health tax, and countless billions in other taxes he has brought in. Ontario should be rolling in the dough.

Problem is McGuinty blew all those extra billions on E-Health, ORNGE, the Sunshine List, all day kindergarten. Hell, compared to McGuinty Bob Rae looks to be fiscally conservative.

Yet people still vote for him. Want to see what Greece is really like? Your already there.


  1. I am waiting to see just how far this investigation into ORNGE goes and who will be whitewashed.

  2. Wonder how the unions and toronto libs that got Mcliar elected are going to react when their time comes, I think its going to get ugly. Greece is driving off the cliff and Ontario is in it's review mirror.

  3. Ontario, like Greece will be looking for a "sugar daddy" to bail them out. I refer to Alberta being the Germany of Canada. Cheers.

  4. Will he or won't he do anything from the Drummond report? My guess is the bare minimum, if that even. I'd eat my hat if he touched civil servant wage packages, he doesn't have the guts.

  5. Centerguy, the unions have now run out of parties to demonize. The Liberals are about to find out, like the NDP before them, that the unions will bite the hand that feeds them without thinking twice about it. The Libs and NDP think (thought) they were friends but when a friend borrows money, refuses to pay it back, then you ask for it back, then they become well not so much friends anymore.

  6. Of course it is in a mess but it is Dalton 'A LIBERAL', who walks away while the public walk the plank.

    If it was Mike Harris 'a Con' to do what Dalton has done, Mike will walk the plank.

    Have you notice that Dalton's name and his disaster is very rarely heard on television.

    Dalton is looking for someone to cast his mess onto. Maybe, it is PMSH fault, or the bugs bunny, or the environment.


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