Friday, February 17, 2012

Fire Whoever Redesigned The HRDC Job Bank

Another example of fixing something that wasn't broken gone astray. I know many people who used the HRDC job bank for seeking employment. It was an excellent design, allowing users to search specific geographical regions, as well as certain job categories or have a listing of all jobs avaialable. Searchiong for say, a cashier in Ajax brings up one job posting, and it's not even a cashier position. Seems some tech guru decided they knew how to make the job search better, making it pretty much useless for most. Brilliant!

p.s. I'd provide link but the site is down again.


  1. yes the new hrdc job bank site is useless, i can't search for any jobs in my area...
    i have been using the old site since the 90's i'm sure, and it was just fine, easily the best job search site out there. the new one really sucks... i'll bet the gov't paid someone $100 000's to make the new site that doesn't work. losers!

  2. was the old job bank site, which was great. now it redirects you to or something stupid. this new job search tool is useless, can't look for jobs in a city but have to pick a job title??? useless.

  3. Give the following site a try:

    It has very good regional/location and job specific searches.

    It beats the workopolis & other job sites.

    From experience, the computer staff in the various government departments are marginal at best. No doubt the work was contracted out, and if recent trends I have seen in private industry are accurate, it was probably offshored to somebody cheap and incompetent. :(

  4. My son is 18, recently graduate from high school with very little work experience and relied on the job bank to pull up as many employment opportunities as possible. He applies to vacancies in occupations where he didn't know he met the criteria; vacancies he wouldn't think to search under. Now he can't view the full content that was once available. This is not good!!!! This will seriously limit his job search and employment possibilities. This was his tool to communicate to the outside world. We live in a rural area and there is no bus route. What a disappointment, to say the least.

  5. I hope they are bringing it back to the way it was before, and that's why they aren't giving much info on the site... Maybe just something embarrassing, like internal screw up or got hacked or something?

    I hope that's the case, although it's getting awfully frustrating after 2 or 3 days now.

  6. I hope they are bringing it back to the way it was before, and that's why they aren't giving much info on the site... Maybe just something embarrassing, like internal screw up or got hacked or something?

    I hope that's the case, although it's getting awfully frustrating after 2 or 3 days now.

  7. I hope they are bringing it back to the way it was before, and that's why they aren't giving much info on the site... Maybe just something embarrassing, like internal screw up or got hacked or something?

    I hope that's the case, although it's getting awfully frustrating after 2 or 3 days now.

  8. Who needs the federal one?


  9. It is completely unacceptable to be down for this long!! I am searching for work right now and used this site daily. it was great to begin with but at least it was updated often. Now it's down and just plain useless! When will it be up and running again? Who knows? there is no excuse given. I have also tried Wow jobs, and I recommend them. Happy searching and good luck!

  10. It is completely unacceptable to be down for this long!! I am searching for work right now and used this site daily. it was great to begin with but at least it was updated often. Now it's down and just plain useless! When will it be up and running again? Who knows? there is no excuse given. I have also tried Wow jobs, and I recommend them. Happy searching and good luck!

  11. I hope the old job bank will be up and running soon because the Canada job bank site I've been directed to is nothing but useless rubish. I liked the old format so much better pick a province, pick a town/city, pick.........and here was the best part it would have several different things that all related to each other in one way or another such as religion, government, & sevices.....hit search and I would get many different jobs that I would find that I didn't know that I had the knowledge to do such as Addiction counselor but I could also apply for a Youth Worker or a Halfway House or even a Support without this site its gonna hurt not just the job seekers but also the employers because they'll loose out to many job seekers who don't even know their hireing......This really sucks....our tax money at work but not us.

  12. I phoned the CBC newsdesk and asked them "Why they did mot report on the facts about that the HRDC Job Bank website has been inactive for over a week". I was told it was not the type of news that was the CBCs to report. So, for the thousand of Canadians trying to find work, I guess the unemployed using the HRDC Job Bank is not important to The Government and to the CBC to report the matter to the Cnadaian public.

  13. I'm incredibly dissappointed with this terrible new search engine. I'm qualified for many jobs and would have to spend hours everyday entering one NOC or job title at a time. Has this designer ever used job bank? In a small town, you look at what's available. Who the hell checks for specific jobs and ignores the world of possibilities in what else is available. Too many people have been trying unsuccessfully to search for work for days now while some employers are wondering why nobody has applied for an opening. This fool should be fired immediately and the original search engine should be reinstated immediately. This is seriously damaging the workforce. I hope someone in the redeveloppement committee finds this blog and fixes it promptly.

  14. This is a huge disappointment. The job bank has been out of commission for over a week now and no message about when it will be working again. I think citizens deserve answers or information about what is going on.

  15. Just restore the old job bank and quit pissing everybody off. Life is tough enough without dealing with this bulls--t!! LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE!!!

  16. The new "" job site SUPPORTS TERRORISM!!

    The HRDC HATES Canada!!!

    Bring back the real Job Bank site!

  17. I have recently been down to the unemployment office to inquire about the site. Unforunatly not one person could give me information on any sort of ETA on when the job bank would be restored, and noone could give me a contact number to inquire about this matter.

  18. Terrible for this site to be down for over one entire week. Unacceptable.

  19. What is going on with it now? I think it got hacked personally and the government doesnt want to admit it

  20. Still down... and a little more annoyed that CBC didnt find the story "newsworthy"...

  21. I noticed the same thing!! I called Service Canada about this a few weeks ago now, and whoever answered didn't seem to know ,but they checked with someone and confirmed they are having "technical problems". I was asking if the site you are directed to is the NEW site, because (I told her) it's terrible!!! The HRDC site ,as it was....was BETTER. I made this clear to her, so she could pass that along to someone. I hope they get these technical problems fixed soon, because I used that site daily and applied for jobs regularly ,that I found on that site. I just happened to find this blog today. Up until now, I was wondering if this has pissed others off too.

  22. Job bank website goes dark

    By SCOTT TAYLOR, The London Free Press

    Last Updated: February 24, 2012 7:23pm

    Job Bank is temporarily unavailable due to technical difficulties. We regret any inconvenience."

    That's the message job seekers and employers have been reading for a week on Service Canada's national job bank website.

    It's a technical issue, they say, but for untold numbers of those seeking work it's been a week without an important job search tool.

    "How are people supposed to use this to find employment when it has been down for so long?" asked a reader from St. Thomas, who mines the site for jobs.

    London North Centre MP Susan Truppe wasn't aware the site couldn't be accessed when contacted, but she called back soon after to say regularly scheduled security upgrades continue and the site should be functioning again by Monday or Tuesday.

    Until then, a link on the site opens up a listing of numerous other employment websites

  23. The HRDC Job Bank page now carries a detailed explanation as to why the site is down. I quote:

    A limited but serious security issue was identified on Job Bank ( and officials proactively shut the site down to resolve the problem.

    Five employer accounts were affected out of the over 135,000 in the system. Affected employers as well as the Office of the Privacy Commissioner were contacted immediately.

    Inconvenience aside, I think an explanation is all we were looking for, no? I did e-mail my MP, and have since updated him.

  24. It IS, one of your Federal Governments F*UCK UPS once again at work.

    THEY have this intuition to screw things up, when they are working. But that is OUR Federal Government in action for you. And WE, the people who use their services pay big time bucks,and get WHAT, in return.

  25. Give this site a try:

  26. They were hacked, the notice given at states that 5 employer accounts were accessed and they're revamping the security now.

    To everyone who lives under a rock this may be surprising, to anyone who reads any tech related news should know that everyone and their grandma has been hacked over the past year.




  28. Well we finally got an answer to our repeated questions to many different organizations of what the hell happend to the number one job search site in Canada. That it was a security breech into five employer accounts out of 135,000 and their fixing the problem its just taking a bit longer then expected and it should be up and running in the next two to three days.....I hope this is correct.....I'm just glad it'll be back and we won't be needing to use that useless Working in Canada site cause its just pure rubbish......and I to was also surprised to find out CBC didn't see this as news worthy material for all our fellow Canadians....don't these clowns survive due to our hard earned employed butts tax dollors jeez whizzzz that's right their already employed......any how happy job hunting to all when she's back up and running again.

  29. Well we finally got an answer to our repeated questions to many different organizations of what the hell happend to the number one job search site in Canada. That it was a security breech into five employer accounts out of 135,000 and their fixing the problem its just taking a bit longer then expected and it should be up and running in the next two to three days.....I hope this is correct.....I'm just glad it'll be back and we won't be needing to use that useless Working in Canada site cause its just pure rubbish......and I to was also surprised to find out CBC didn't see this as news worthy material for all our fellow Canadians....don't these clowns survive due to our hard earned employed butts tax dollors jeez whizzzz that's right their already employed......any how happy job hunting to all when she's back up and running again.

  30. Okay, for starters I would first like to point out that Canada's so called concern for the unemployment rate is most likely at an all time high.
    The Job Bank itself has been down for about 2 weeks, and it seems as though noone is even trying to fix it. I am relying on American websites to tell me about jobs in Canada. I think these people in charge of fixing this website should be fired, feathered and tarred... or just deported.

  31. Ah, the rampant ineptitude usually found in management at many so called places of business seems to have spread and infected what was once a functional search engine. With the current state of unemployment, and the lack of jobs that provide a realistic living wage, this farce is another prime example of what is going desperately wrong in what was once a great nation. How difficult can it possibly be to rectify this inexcusable outrage to people who would like to find work and resume being a productive member of Canadian society? Although what that really means in today's day and age is as much of a mystery as why this joke is being allowed to continue. Makes one very, very ill, and ashamed of one's nationality. I'd add more, but I feel the need to visit the toilet. At least excrement is to be expected there.

  32. beyond useless as unemployment continues to rise

    sucking that government teat with neither shame nor pride




  34. I HAVE BEEN UNEMPLOYED FROM PARTIME RETAIL JOBS MINIMUM WAGE SINCE JANUARY 14 and forced to take CPP (canada pension plan)EARLY DUE TO FINANCIAL NEED, at loss to myself due to decreased amounts for early use. Now the Conservative government which I thought best is threating to delay the OAS (old age security when age 65) to age 67. No job and getting older what are the aging to do we need to work to support our selves for our basic necessities only. I never took unemployment insurance and have worked all my life, and paid into the CPP and UIC always. I am 62 right now. I was employed for 4 years in retail as a checkout cashier and left the job to take a job in november 2011 until january 2012 which then ended unexpectedly. I over 60 years old, and getting any job despite over 15 years in an office admin job with good computer skills and online data control and access knowledge, am only wanted by employers for retail checkout jobs or home childcare, because I am in competition with the deserving youth from college. I support the job search of young people (i have two daughters 26/28 100%) and I accept my aging body, and job options. HOWEVER I HAVE ONLY USED THE HRSDC JOB BANK. GC.CA for job searching as I dont trust the confidentiality of other sites which can put your information out on the web and an exposure to personal privacy and information security, identity theft, fraud contacts which are dangerous to youth particularly - ...I MISS THE JOB BANK IMMENSELY AS I HAVE BEEN UNEMPLOYED SINCE JANUARY 14, ITS NOW MARCH 1.. I JUST WANT A PARTIME RETAIL JOB IN MY SMALL SUBURB IN DURHAM REGION OUTSIDE TO. AS THE JOB SITE WAS ON THE GOVERNMENTS WEBSITE - PERHAPS ACCESS TO OUR SOCIAL INSURANCE, OR INCOME TAX INFO IS ALSO HACKED INTO - I THINK OUR PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL GOVT - NEEDS TO EXPLAIN THE NATURE OF THE HACKING - WHAT EXACT INFORMATION, AND INFORM THE AFFECTED INDIVIDUALS BY MAIL WHAT WAS HACKED INTO. SINCERLY JM MARCH 2, 2012. I hope and pray I will find a job in my area I walk my resume to potential jobs in my area. I hope we all find work, is that not how we support our government and country, and our families and ourselves. Please recreate the old jobsite securely, and our government jobs. I will not vote for any govt which negatively affects jobs for seniors, or cpp or oas for seniors - the anonymous truth is our BODIES THO STIFFER WITH SOME ACHES AND PAINS ARE QUITE CAPABLE OF 8 HOUR JOBS STANDING ON OUR FEET AND WORKING IN RETAIL AND CHILDCARE, OFFICE ADMIN JOBS ARE SO DESIRED BUT OF COURSE GO PRIMARILY TO YOUTH WITH NEW EDUCATION/TECHNICAL SKILLS, POTENTIAL, AND A FUTURE OVER 15 YEARS WHEN THE BELL WILL TOLL FOR ME (AGE 77). Well it is GOD (thru salvation in my twenties) who has met my every need throughout my life and I trust my family and my life to HIS WILL for us. THE GOVERNMENT HAS LET ME DOWN RE CPP, OAS, AND JOBS CANADA WEBSITE. GOD BLESS the young jobseekers, the middle aged supporting young families, and the older senior like myself – all capable, intelligent, serviceable, willing, worthy souls to find the right job. TRUST IN THE LORD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND LEAN NOT UNTO YOUR OWN UNDERSTANDING – IN ALL YOUR WAYS TRUST IN HIM AND HE WILL DIRECT YOUR PATHS. ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD AND TO THEM THAT ARE CALLED ACCORDNG TO HIS PURPOSE.

  35. Everyone should contact their MP by phone or e-mail. A list of MPs and their contact information can be found at

  36. Job Bank is back up but with no history from the last 2+weeks it was down, only what was added at the end of the day this Friday. So I guess we have very little to work with for CVs until Monday. At least we know it's back up now.

  37. Job Bank is up and runing but with no posting history for the last 2+ weeks it was down.

  38. it's 2016 and I went back to the trusty Job Bank site to find work - WHAT A MESS! they broke a perfectly working system and replaced it with crap, seeing how old many of these post are there is ZERO chance they change it back man what a good resource it USED to be


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