Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mark Holland Looking To Replace Michael Ignatieff After Election?

The following is a letter to the editor of the News Advertiser Ajax, concerning Liberal candidate Mark Holland:

"To the editor:

I've never met Mark Holland but by all accounts he appears to be a decent, hard-working politician.

That said, when his canvassers came to my door a couple of days ago I told them that although I liked Mr. Holland, I just could not bring myself to vote Liberal so long as Mr. Ignattief was their leader.

A fellow canvasser overheard my comments while at a neighbour's door and came over to tell me that Mark was thinking of running for leader should things go wrong for them in this election, and that we should vote for him to 'keep him around' should that be the case.

This person introduced himself to me and I have to believe the comment is true. It might be something that Mr. Holland would like to clarify in order that people know just exactly who they are voting for this time and why. Is he an ambitious politician who just wants to hang around for when the leadership is up for grabs, or is he someone who has the best interests of Ajax and Pickering at heart?




  1. I hope that experience told "Derek" what a slime bucket Holland is and that "hard working" isn't enough when back stabbing, two faced, sneaky and brazen.... also appear to be adjective that would describe him.

  2. well, then, he's a perfect fit for the Liberal leadership then. Continue a tradition.

  3. When they're talking about replacing the leader three weeks before the election, you know it isn't going good.

  4. I'm in A-P, have met Chris Alexander, and think he'd be a great addition to the Harper team. More supporters coming out of the closet now, as the Alexander lawn signs are now springing up throughout. And Holland now feels the need to double his signs on the streets...might be overkill...

  5. Does he speak French? It is pretty tough to become Liberal leader if you are not fully bilingual.

  6. Mark Holland is a pitbull who should no be in Parliament, so vote for Chris Alexander, who will be a voice of experience for the Conservative international mandate.

  7. What's with the NDP candidate for Ajax-Pickering MIA in the Bahamas? No campaign office? no signs? Is this the "early coalition " taking place where the NDP and Liberals are strategic voting? Check Iceman's blog on a few ridings where this is being noticed. Just sayin'.....

  8. Hope you don't mind me inserting this list, Paul.

    CPC supporters in Ontario,
    very close contests for incumbent CPC candidates,
    less then 3% difference ~please~ lend a hand in these ridings GOTV decides a win/loss here:

    Kitchener Ctr..Stephen Woodworth
    Kitchener Waterloo..Peter Braid
    Mississauga Erindale..Bob Decher
    Oak Ridges Markham..Paul Calandra
    Vaughan.. Julian Fantino

    also holding less than 7% lead

    Ottawa Orleans..Royal GalipeauX
    London West..Ed Holder

  9. No problem Wilson. Any info that can help the campaign is always welcome. Thanks


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