Friday, April 15, 2011

Advance Poll At My House This Weekend...

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up I'm holding an advance poll at my house Saturday and Sunday. While it's not actually a poll approved by Elections Canada, I'm sure they will follow the precedent set at the University of Guelph, who held an advance poll earlier this week. While not approved, Elections Canada say hey, what the hell, the votes count anyways.

I want to let Elections Canada know they can be 100% rest assured that there will be no NDP partisan campaign literature near the polling station, as I live in Ajax and apparently the NDP candidate is looking to debate and door knock in the Caribbean at the present time.

Luckily I kept the shoebox my Air Jordan's came in. This will be used as the "special ballot box", as it already bears the number of my shoes on it. I've also decided to simplify voting. All ballots will be pre-filled with an "x" beside the Conservative candidates name. I'm not sure if the EC officer is available on the weekend so my trusty dog Sparky will be keeping a close eye on the proceedings.

Over to you Mr. Mayrand.


  1. Its sad how someone who uses "democracy" to beat Mr. Harper over the head every chance he gets fails to see the irony in how undemocratic that unsanctioned poll was operated.

  2. Hold on now...this is a serious issue you raise.
    Therefore I would like to take this one step further ans volunteer as srutineer...something they didn't have in Guelph.
    Now it'll be truly legit with no irregularities.

  3. Funny Paul. I needed that chuckle after seeing what is going on with Elections Canada aka Liberals. heh

  4. Unfortunately I can't be cheered up by this.

    We have a state broadcaster trying to smear the Conservatives (of course if they HAD NOT given the allegations re. Helena to the police, they would be smearing them for precisely that).

    Now we have Elections Canada trying to unseat the Conservatives.

    I am a Conservative, but honestly I feel like giving up. Why not all join the Liberal party, and then we can fight for different policies within the Liberal party.

    I wonder if that is all that this country will allow.

  5. We'll be having one at our house this weekend too! My husband sent a tweet out in case anyone happens to be traveling through Calgary and needs a place to vote.

    I don't have a dog though...maybe my 3 year olds won't mind taking a break from Dora the Explorer to help us out.

  6. The media and elections Canada want us to give up. Canadians need to stand up to make Canada strong and free. If young men and women in the military can stand up to the hardships in Afghanistan then i can stand up against the Liberal media .
    Canadians from the left (NDP) need to stand up to the Liberal media and Canadians from the right(Conservatives ) need to stand up to the Liberal media. Together we can hopefully stop the Liberal bias.

  7. I can fax you the rules for duties etc of scrutineers, from the last election. I think I can find a proper pencil also.
    How can anyone support that vote at the UofG, or believe anything that EC ever says again. Welcome to Cuba on May 2nd, or get out the purple ink for all students.
    Get out an be a scrutineer, at your poll. Be there for the opening of the ballot boxes, and the vote counting.

  8. LOL

    Great satire.

    Funny, isn't it, how any country where Progressives take over almost automatically becomes a second world nation?

  9. That was the third special election in a row at the U of G as part of the President of the U'G s vote encouragement policies, you know, the University where Conservative Senator Pamela Wallin was sent to see the dismantling of liberal-democratic Guelph, and failed.

  10. I don't think anyone has an issue with an advance poll being held at the university. The issue is rules not being followed. Elections Canada rules.

    So why even have rules? EC could long ago have ruled the unpaid leadership debts as being donations above the allowable limit as so much time has passed. But instead they get a free pass.

  11. I say we all show up at the nearest Elections Canada office and ask to vote before the advanced polls on Monday at 9:00 and keep up a steady stream all day until election day!

    You can vote one day, then come back the next having forgotten that you had voted, and make them prove that you had voted. Basically gum up the works, until they change their minds about who can vote when.

  12. Don't forget to pick up your voting slips at Liberal Campaign offices in their don't have to live in the riding you vote in . Elections canada will say thats okay if you all vote Liberano$. You don't even have to worry about Maynard showing up with CBC camera crews either or media reporters as long as you all vote Lieberals. Only in Canada this year. When the coalition win the election the rules will change for the next election.Now don't worry if the ballot box has two different sets of number on the top and bottom of the box. After we open up the ballot boxes and stuff them full of Liberal x's we will put a matching number on the top of the box to seal it making sure it matches the number on the bottom of the box. This is after all the new DEMOCRACY Liberal style. Don't you love it? Oh, and BTW, we will pay back our leadership dues whenever as we are the ruling party of Canada. Chretian says so. Elections Canada agrees with Jean.

  13. As I posted on another blog... I want the election delayed until May 16th. That will give the UN time to get observers from democratic countries in to supervise Elections Canada,. Just like WE do in corrupt third world countries.

    Rob C

  14. I agree with Rob C maybe thats the only way to have a fair election.
    the Liberals in their quest for power,have lowered democracy in our country.

  15. I sent a request to Elections Canada for a delay of election day in order to facilatate outside observers time to get to Canada and get set up to oversee them (elections Canada)

    Rob C

  16. My question: will there be an open bar???

  17. I hope everyone has called their local Conservative riding office and volunteered to scrutineer on election day (me 'n the missus have). If there aren't enough volunteers, some polls go unsupervised, or worse, only "supervised" by the forces of darkness.

  18. We need an advance poll at all three - YES 3 - post-secondary institutions in our 'college town'.

    Just as a reminder: Over 25,000 full and part-time students!!!!


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