Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Elections Canada Confirms Kathleen Wynne Expenses Must Be Paid And Claimed By Trudeau Liberals.

Yesterday I filed a complaint with Elections Canada over Kathleen Wynne campaigning for Justin Trudeau and the associated costs. Today alone she attended 4 different Liberal candidate events. She also brings with her staff whose costs must also be claimed by the Federal Liberals and or local ridings.

To their credit, Elections Canada replied , and before even 24 hours after I filed the complaint. They confirmed I was correct and that they were going to refer the complaint to the Commissioner of Canada Elections. They also took it a step further and suggested I file a complaint with the Ontario Ombudsman as well, which I will do in the morning. The following is the text of the email I received from Elections Canada:

 "Expenses related to a person’s involvement in a candidate’s campaign are election expenses and have to be authorized in writing by the candidate’s official agent. Any expense incurred in relation to the campaign has to be reimbursed using the candidate’s campaign funds or should be treated as a contribution from an individual.

The official agent of a candidate is obligated to record these expenses in the electoral campaign return of the candidate which is submitted to Elections Canada no later than four months after election day. In order to understand whether there has been a breach of the Canada Elections Act in this regard; the electoral return of the candidate would have to reviewed to ensure these expenses were included on the return.

However, in the meantime, we will refer this matter to the Commissioner of Canada Elections. You might also want to file a complaint with the Ombudsman for the Ontario government.".

 I would like to thank Elections Canada personally for their swift attention to my complaint.


  1. Good job, Paul! it has been so blatant and questionable. Good to see you back!

  2. Btw, can you or have you share this info? It should get out there.

    It's so interesting that you did this because when our Mayor Nenshi went stupid and ballistic about the Niqab, I wondered how come he got to do that as an elected official. Same with Notley at a Chamber of Commerce speech and prior occasions.

    They however were nothing like what Wynne has done. She is a freak to do what she has done. Implying that she will make policy changes should ONT. vote in the shiney pony? It's a crazy and unethical approach.

  3. I think the difference with Wynne is she takes part in scheduled campaign events, and that's what's going to be her downfall.

  4. As Bec said Paul well done! For those not on Twitter, know that Paul is very much a presence.

  5. excellent Paul well done, exposes this so called leader after all does she not have Ontario to run I mean after all is not that what liberal supporters pay her to do, not run off and help run some one else election campaign the only thing i can say at least while she is away she cannot do any more damage to Ontario than she has already done lol

  6. Good job. It is essential this gets out to all news media. It should be a breaking story, but so far I've seen nothing. Can you issue this as a news release, or have you already?

  7. Been busy posting this on any CBC posting i can make it a relevant post. apparently the moderators either have the night off, or cbc is realizing that people have had enough of their lefty filter being on overdrive

  8. Thank you for shedding light on this. She should be working on getting Ontario on track. However, as she's not capable, she's out on the campaign trail for another level of government. Keep up the great work!

  9. Well done Paul! You've shown that you have the leadership to act rather than simply provide lipservice like so many others do.
    You've got our support.

    The fact that this province could fall to Trudeau because of Wynne's involvement should scare EVERYONE.

    Very good blog by the way. Treats readers like adults not morons like too many others do.


  10. Just heard this mentioned on the Lowell Green show on 580 CFRA. I am assuming it is your letter.

  11. We've been getting sWynnedled by Premier Kathleen all along, so why should throwing caution to the billion dollar winds she regularly habituates in be any different, this time; just because she is rabidly pimping for her dilettante of a ward, Justin Trudeau?

  12. awesome work I am sharing this everywhere
    would love to have you in my groups nontario and hydro one enough is enough on facebook if you are not a member
    keep up the good work thank you so much
    jacques ouellette

  13. Thanks everyone for the kind words. I would be happy to assist with anyone fighting Wynne corruption and damaging policies.

  14. Thank you Paul, I too heard this on Lowell Green show. This letter clarifies this complaint against Wynne. I am hoping this one will stick. Good luck. Marsha Cooper

  15. Hi Paul!

    As I opened my husband's Unifor booklet this morning and seen it heavy in the anti-Harper rhetoric and lies (and the colour red being a prominent theme), I grew even more angered with this union. It is SO refreshing to see your words! The "brotherhood" and recurring theme of "solidarity" should not go as far as being told who to vote for. They also were using wrong information about the TPP and were using the words "secretive deal" despite the fact this is historically how all trade deals have been made or the fact that it had been knowingly in the works for 5 years. Oh, my blood is still boiling!

    I just thought I'd also mention Wynne saying yesterday that she "may" not go through with the ORPP if Trudeau gets in. I see this as pure bribery and wish she could be in trouble over that alone.

    Keep up your great work! I will be sharing this now!

  16. For those outraged by a 20% hike to rural hydro one ratepayers, see this video and how you can help. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-hizkULaME

  17. Great work Paul. Can I suggest you post a form letter that others can send to the Ontario Ombudsman. It's disgusting watching Wynne do this.

    1. The Ontario Ombudsman advised me this is outside his jurisdiction. I plan on filing a complaint with the Integrity Commissioner and hope others will as well. Strength in numbers.

  18. Have you considered doing the same re: Gretzky & Harper?

  19. Anony @ 7:33pm

    How is Gretzky an active Premier? Do your homework, anony.

    Volunteering is one thing on ones time but doing it while in a position of govt power to this consistent level, another.

    She is clearly not responsible to have done what she has done or said what she has said.

    AS someone looking on from a distance I'd even label it vote buying.

  20. thank you for looking out for our interests

  21. Shouldn't she be spending ALL her time doing the job we pay her to do?? She's always where the cameras are or, as in this case, promoting a candidate for her own gains.

  22. If Kathleen Wynne wasn't Preemie would she be able to get anyone to take her picture, whether she wears her personal assortment of frayed yokes around her neck, or not? What for? Would Kathleen Wynne's (otherwise insignificant)'life' matter?
    Had she not been both direct and indirect party to a number of billion dollar scandals involving taxpayer ripoffs and an assortment of brazen misdemeanors - some presently in the hands of the OPP Investigation Task Force, others on the verge; as a Liberal MPP and succeeding Dalton McGuinty, as Ontario provincial leader - who would give a rat's pant suit who she is or what her useless opinions sound like? She and her cabinet minions are an inarguable political disgrace, fostered in large underhanded part by a very ragtag contingent of incorrigible unionists, public sector employees and die hard political anti-Conservative antagonists who have used every manner of backdoor full-court press they could muster to challenge, by totally adulterating, democracy.

  23. So will the CPC be paying the Ford brothers for their appearance's at Conservative campaign stops or is the double standard that this post and subsequent threads blabber on about too hard to swallow? I'll be happy when Harper is out and the Reform and Canadian Alliance parties will finally be decimated instead of living on in this horrible sham of a government that calls themselves Conservatives.

  24. Was that irrational statement made before the medical consultation or after the anti-Conservative patient's botched lobotomy?

  25. Anon at 7:49. The Ford brothers are free to volunteer their time, as is Wynne. The problem is, and apparently it wasn't clear enough from the letter received from Elections Canada I quoted, Wynne cannot appear and have her transportation costs and expenses paid by Ontario taxpayers, nor can her staff that she as brought to the events.

    And the word is the staff attending the campaign events are getting paid by Ontario taxpayers while at the events. If you have an issue with Election Canada rules, take it up with them. And I really hope you aren't one of those hypocrites that bitch about Conservatives breaking election rules while arguing it's OK for the Liberals. But if I had to bet....


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