Monday, April 13, 2015

The Destruction of Ontario Healthcareby Liberals. Now It's Personal!

After watching first Dalton McGuinty and now Kathleen Wynne play the voters of Ontario, and more importantly union members for uneducated patsies since 2003, the reality has just clubbed me over the head. My 95 year old mother suffered a stroke last Friday, and the shocking reality of how decimated the Ontario Liberals have transitioned our health care system into in less than 12 years.

 Now this is not directed at the front line workers. The nurses, doctors, and EMS have all been exemplary in the treatment and care of my mother. What's broke is the system, more important;y the Liberal instituted system. Under Mike Harris the board of directors at the local hospital here's salaries counted for 6% of the yearly budget. Today it accounts for 30%. Wanna guess where the cuts have taken place? While the Ajax population has grown leaps and bounds in the last 10 years, McGuinty actually tried to close down the emergency ward, forcing residents to drive to Scarborough for emergency treatment.

 The hospital is badly lacking front line workers. Rooms are a mess. The hospital has cut back on many things that used to be supplied to patients.Are you being discharged today sir? Yes, then don't forget to pay your bill on the way out. If you don't, we'll have collection agencies chase you endlessly. You see, those six-figure salaries paid to our bloated board of directors really add up quick. And there's always another Lib-friendly donor looking for one of those Sunshine List salaries. Parking is $4 per half hour by the way, can I break that $100 bill for you?.

 And to top it all off, nurses are being cut across the province. Word of hospital closures. Cuts to medical services, procedures, medications. Delisting of services covered for decades. And now Wynne is picking a fight with doctors, instead of looking in the mirror at the real culprit for a crashing bankrupt province, headed by a morally deficient Premier whose government is now the subject of four and counting police investigations. Of course the once distinguished OPP is now irreparably tarnished, openly targeting Wynne's main competitor Tim Hudak in the last election with million dollar attack ads. And let's not forget the head of the Ontario Nurses Union, who spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on attack ads that kept Wynne's ass in the comfy patronage chair at Queen's Park. Now maybe I'm different, but being a lifelong union member, I'd be more than a little pissed off if my union dues just helped put me out of a job. But I digress.

 It's great to see a premier who puts things like the education of anal sex to sixth graders as a bigger priority than a badly failing healthcare system. A premier who just can't say no to tax increases. service fee increases, while at the same time making cuts and telling us to fear the PC's who might do the same thing. Smokey Thomas had it right. The difference between Tim Hudak and Kathleen Wunne is she will look you right in the eye and lie.


  1. This has been going on for at least 10-12 years...What took you so long to come to the party.,,Steve O

  2. And now with the guy in Quebec and the jelly bellies in California she is going to hit the lowest paid by applying a cap and trade. Cap and trade being easier to fiddle for her liberal friends just like the mafia in Europe.

  3. Parking has been one of the biggest pet peeves I've had about hospitals for years.

  4. Nope, not enough money in the coffers for life-threatening conditions but I'd be willing to bet that there'd be plenty on hand to give your mother a spanking new willy under the Liberal's 'dicks for chicks' programme.

  5. Yep. Smitherman decided sex change operations needed government, sorry taxpayers to foot the bill. Taking care of seniors not so much.

  6. Yes - and I saw a Facebook rant against the Conservatives that blamed them for not enough Nurses on the job in Ontario, and women having to pay for yearly pap smears (as opposed to once every 3 years as per OHIP). And the post went viral to over 10,000 people - all with disinformation. The original poster never responded when I contacted her about a need to correct the record. Frustrating that this information isn't getting through to people.


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