Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Suzuki's Email Campaign As Phony As Leadnow's Robocall Petition.

Via KATE at Small Dead Animals, seems Suzuki wants to prevent the Senate from questioning both the funding and motives of groups outside of Canada in regards to the oilsands. Best part is, much like the Leadnow robocall petition, it allows editing. Here's my email including the revisions I've made. Wonder if Suzuki agrees.

Subject: Canadians want to be heard, not insulted by David Suzuki Dear Senator Eaton, Members of the Senate, and Members of Parliament,

As a Canadian who cares deeply about the future of our country, I am extremely disappointed by the recent attempts by David Suzuki to silence and demonize those who don’t share his positions.

Suzuki has labelled those who support the oilsands, and the economic benefits they bring to Canadians, including health care and education “radical” and have questioned the integrity of legitimate Canadian businesses and the Canadians it employs.

I am proud to support Canada’s oilsands, which have a long history of providing all levels of government with tax revenues to support the social programs Canadians need and depend on, and providing information to help Canada steward the natural environment on which we all depend for our health and future prosperity.

The Suzuki Foundation is supposed to be a registered charity removed from partisan politics. As such, we expect more from CRA, including an investigation into the Suzuki Foundation and it's removal as a registered charity.

Like many Canadians, I believe that the issue of large amounts of international funding is a distraction and effort to silence and discredit honest Canadian businesses, and the people they employ. Canadian businesses that provide and that are looking out for the needs and interests of Canada and Canadians.

A democracy functions best when all points of view are considered rationally and carefully, and when our leaders, both elected and appointed, examine the facts before speaking. Sadly, Suzuki himself refuses to listen to anyone unless they hold a mirror image of his opinions
As a Canadian who looks to Foundations that believe in leadership, I ask you to get back to the business of thoughtful debate rather than trying to stifle the voices of millions of Canadians with whom you may not agree.



  1. Hey buddy, did you know you can edit the letter to say anything you want... a bunch over at sda are having a field day with this...

  2. Some might think that the David Suzuki Foundation is more like a partisan think tank than a charitible organization. There is the video of David Suzuki taken a walk with Dalton McGuinty seen during the last provincial election. It seemed like a third party endorsing political ad to me. Suzuki was singing the praises of the provincial Liberal government - charity work, hardly.
    Where does David Suzuki begin and the David Suzuki Foundation begin?

  3. robins11, I did. Read my email. Cheers.

  4. Just sent mine and had a blast doing the editing.

  5. With any luck, we can goad the fruitfly into an onscreen petulant rant about us sabotaging his e-mail campaign.

  6. Some people donate to charities based on how much ends up going to their cause. Salvation army always scores high,United way,not so much.

    The Suzuki Foundation says 71% of monies collected goes to their projects , Here is their financial statement. Something doesn't seem right,


  7. Some people donate to charities based on how much ends up going to their cause. Salvation army always scores high,United way,not so much.

    The Suzuki Foundation says 71% of monies collected goes to their projects , Here is their financial statement. Something doesn't seem right,


  8. It baffles me that in this day and age people can follow blindly a politician like Stephen Harper (or any other person for that matter) without ever asking questions to learn what are the real motivations behind his policies... What's even worse is that people actually defend those policies without fully understanding their consequences on the Canadian people and our descendants... What's gonna be left of this country if we just keep extracting and extracting our natural resources, on and on, like there was no tomorrow ? That's not important, the Cons will say. The only thing that matters is the here and now, our jobs and the economy. How can some people be so narrow minded ? We're not even talking about the jobs of the century.... Harper throws a bone here and there through his programs and his followers get all excited. You could get so much more of this or any government if you just thought more, read more, questioned more and demanded more...


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