Thursday, March 15, 2012

Or Maybe I Am

From Chantel Hebert's EDITORIAL Dated February 28th, 2011.(surprisingly no longer available from The Star?)

"If there is a tactical scheme behind the so-called voter suppression scandal, it is not readily apparent in the list of allegedly abused ridings put forward by the opposition parties.
Only a small fraction of the 50 federal seats where the margin of victory was less than 5 per cent last May — and where presumably every vote counted — are alleged to have been targeted by fraudulent calls.

Liberal ridings such as Brampton-Springdale and Ajax-Pickering that were known to be high on the Conservatives’ to-win list (and that they did win) were apparently not plagued by such calls."

Seems either Hebert or Holland has their facts wrong. I know who my money is on.

Also of worthy mention. Nothing about Ajax-Pickering anywhere?

1 comment:

  1. Mark Holland is a whining, s##tdisturbing maggot and a perfect example of everything thats wrong with Parliament these days. You lost maggot, now do us all a favour and go away.


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