Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Elizabeth May's Campaign Manager Inadvertently Reavels Federal Green Party And NDP Members Had Training In Voter Suppression...

Because you can't make this shit up. Seems Green leader Elizabeth May's campaign manager, John Fryer, sent out a letter to various news organizations, allleging people connected to the Conservative Party taught a 3-day convention the the Manning Center back in January 2010, and the subject was how to use voter suppression in an election campaign. Of course Fryer never even made passing mention that he was May's campaign manager, something most would agree should have been disclosed, if not for legal reasons but at least ethically. He also never seemed to have a problem with what he claims was the subject matter until this week.

The link also shows David Akin's somewhat disbelief at what Fryer alleged took place, as Akin attended the Manning Center during the same time period. If one were to take Fryer's claims as gospel, then I think what we have is the law of unintended consequences. If you read Akin's comments, this one really stands out: "At the campaign schools I taught at, I met those who were working on campaigns for Green Party candidates, BC New Democrats, BC Liberal, Alberta Progressive Conservatives, Wildrose Alliance members, and federal New Democrats."

So we now know members of both May's Green Party campaign, as well as NDP campaign members were both knowledgable in voter supression tactics. That is if Fryer decides to stand by his words, which as it's looking might put him in the company of one Pat Martin facing a multi-million dollar lawsuit for libel and slander.


  1. Paulstuff I am shocked! shocked!
    NDPQ and Greens are "Trainable"
    I am sure the CBC will be all over this............crickets

  2. I hear them wait.. A man can dream can he.

  3. I hear them wait.. A man can dream can he.


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