Sunday, February 12, 2012

PBO Kevin Page Projects Federal Budget To Hit $710 Billion By 2030 ?

Yet another fatal flaw in Page's complete 180, stating OAS is affordable and can be sweetened to boot. As it stands now, the OAS costs $36 billion a year from the total federal budget, or roughly 14%. Page himself predicts OAS payments will cost $142 billion per year around 2030, yet says this is affordable as OAS will still only account for roughly 20% of federal spending.

20%. So that means the federal budget in 2030 will be $710 billion? I admit, I completely suck at math. Are my calculations correct? 20% of $710 billion is $142 billion, no?

Looks like he must be factoring in the NDP-Liberal-Bloc coalition coming into power.


  1. Actually just the NDP alone would make it a hell of a lot more.

  2. Don't you know we are not supposed to work figures backwards, fwd or do anything to prove this anti conservative is lying.
    We are not to remember how many times he has been wrong. There are many "experts" who will not even be around in 18 yrs, to remember how wrong he was in 2012. Good thing algore invented the internet cause those predictions are out there forever.

  3. Is he a climate scientist? ;-))

  4. Page was on Question Period today with some of the Harper Hater's,Oliver,Neuman,Dan Gardner,Shawn McCarthy,and Ditchburn.We thought that Taber was bad,but this Ditchburn takes the cake.I believe that they are jealous of PM Harper.Not once today did they say PM Steven Harper,but they called him Harper over and over.I literally despise these people,as I can't stand people having no respect for the best PM. we've ever had,at least in my time anyway,and I'm 72.I don't think CTV is any better than CBC.Even Solomon seems a lot fairer at times than Oliver and Neuman.Ditchburn must be getting a lot of money,as she's on CTV and CBC every day.

  5. Page was on Question Period today with some of the Harper Hater's,Oliver,Neuman,Dan Gardner,Shawn McCarthy,and Ditchburn.We thought that Taber was bad,but this Ditchburn takes the cake.I believe that they are jealous of PM Harper.Not once today did they say PM Steven Harper,but they called him Harper over and over.I literally despise these people,as I can't stand people having no respect for the best PM. we've ever had,at least in my time anyway,and I'm 72.I don't think CTV is any better than CBC.Even Solomon seems a lot fairer at times than Oliver and Neuman.Ditchburn must be getting a lot of money,as she's on CTV and CBC every day.

  6. Ditchburn has family ties to either the Liberals or NDP, can't remember which. Funny no one on the panel saw fit to ask Page why just 5 months ago he stated the federal finances were not sustainable, yet does a 180 after the government announces OAS reforms.

  7. Most of the media knows how PM Harper is respected in the world,even in China.Ditchburn even mentioned today that she and McCarthy went to China 6 years ago when Chretien was there,and PM Harper is now just caring on what Chretien had started.They are just doing the same thing they've been doing for the last 6 years,it didn't work then and it's not going to work now,even they are trying harder than ever.Do any of you other people wonder what PM Harper's wife thinks when she sees and hears all the lies that comes out of Ditchburns mouth about her husband?

  8. UK's own Daniel Hannan praises our PM for dealing with OAS now rather than later. Brian Lilley has the video of Hannan discussing the OAS. You should get it and have it on your blog for those who come here regularly.

  9. Have you also heard Andrew Breitbart a once liberal now conservative wealthy radio big shot on CPAC with Brian Lilley?

  10. I think he was on 640am last week. Said McGuinty had converted him to being a conservative.

  11. Can anyone tell me why Kevin Page is still on staff? That is not a question based on his political bias but rather one on his complete inability to run a calculator. He is simply all over the map on his predictions often contradicting himself with those numbers and time has shown that his projections are so far out of line that using his numbers as any indicator of future events would be disastrous.

  12. Page had a 27 yr career as a civil servant when he was appointed to the new PBO. Google Kevin Page, PBO and you will find that most of the staff have long career at the trough. I think he was appointed for a 5 yr term but could not find that info.
    Easier and cheaper to let him stay than to fire him, severance and all.
    It will take years to get rid of all those lifelong, liberal supporting, civil servants.
    I still think a lot of those positions and agencies had a plan to embarass PMSH and leak info to the media, but it has backfired big time and we have a majority for the next few years. Hope a lot of them hang up their hate and leave the bldg.

  13. I think they stated on Question Period that Page had 1 more year to go.It's when Oliver said that PM Harper will probably try to fire him.They were sitting there chatting like he was a child that was being bullied.People should be emailing O'Reilly on Fox more often and tell him what's going on in this country.

  14. Kevin Page, I was watching him on CPAC last night and I sum it that he has chip on his shoulders; very frustrated and needs to undergo anger management. He was fidgety throughout that 40-45 minutes of his talk master of his body language to convey the message; moving his fists around and right hand entirely used chopping on three main issues. He talked about crime bill, military air craft expenses and Harper and his government.
    Forget his education and academic records future employers need to watch him before he is hired. He is firm in his ideology and any other logic or reasoning will not sway him. Harper has done a few blunders in hiring people and his name goes onto the list where Arthur Porter of Montreal super hospital has the honor.


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