Sunday, February 26, 2012

BREAKING NEWS! CBC Had Reports Of Voter Suppression Complaints From Conservative Party In May 2011 Election....

And apparently some of those calls, which also used an American area code, were traced to a robocall company with LIBERAL ties?

"Ten Liberal campaigns in Ontario, including Ms. Bennett's, also complained of harassing phone calls made to their supporters purporting to be from them when they were not. Some were in the middle of the night or made repeatedly. Candidates feared the scheme was done deliberately to annoy their supporters and suppress the vote. The CBC reported that some calls were reportedly traced to American area codes and to a Canadian call centre doing some legitimate Liberal calling that denies it.

The CBC also reported that one of its journalists had talked to NDP and Conservative supporters who had experienced the same kinds of phone calls."

So that kind of blows holes through the opposition and media argument that it was the Conservatives using "Nixonian" tactics doesn't it? It's also noteworthy that CBC had reports from Conservative supporters back in May 2011 about bogus phone calls, yet hasn't seemed to include that snippet in this weeks stories. I'm sure Kady will be quick to correct the record.

And as I posted on another thread, I myself experienced a robocall a few days before the May 2011 election, telling me my polling station was miles away, not at the school I can see from my back window. And I'm a Conservative supporter, helped out on Chris Alexander's campaign, attended both Ajax appearances by the PM, the second one invitation only by the way.

So I think it's safe to say the Conservative Party would not be the one trying to supress my vote. As the riding was supposed to be too close to call between Liberal incumbent Mark Holland and Conservative candidate and winner Chris Alexander, you be the judge of who had skin in the game.


  1. I also had a million robo-calls during the election. Thing is I don't have a clue as to who they were calling for or about as after the first couple where I hung up I recognised the number afterwards and didn't pick up. Who actually listens to an entire robo-call anyways and who can't read the form EC sends you to tell you where to vote?? Same pepole that can't figure out garbage collection calendars I suspect.

  2. Send what you've found out to Sunnews. Primarily to Ezra Levant,Brian Lilley and or Kris Sims who has been following up on these stories.

  3. Good work Paul! Maybe Sun News will pick up on this. God knows the other Liberal media outlets won't bother.

  4. Post it in the commentary at Sun News and National Post. God know the liberal media will bury it.

  5. Paul -- If anyone asks, I too got an automated call on election morning about 10am. It had a female voice and told me my polling station had changed. I knew it hadn't because it was in the same building my husband works. However, I had already voted in the Advance poll so just chuckled. So, those calls were most definitely not only to Liberals.

    By the way, I am in Minister Rob Nicholson's riding (Niagara Falls) and he won by thousands of votes.

  6. Awesome digging, Paul! Based on the disorganized, poorly trained polling station that I worked at, is it possible that some of this could have EC ties?
    How would that ever be established or reported though? I wouldn't hold my breath.

    It's only a witch hunt or national crisis when it implies a Conservative connection. Then it's the Media Party and Opps screaming for all hands on deck with the cannons loaded.

  7. Maybe it was the Anonymous Hackers who started all this?

  8. This will be Stephen Harper's sponsorship scandal, perhaps bigger.

    Cons who try to deflect or minimize it are chimps.

  9. Last time I checked the other parties never took part in Adscam. The fact yiou don't want to address is the Conservative Party candidates also had supporters claiming robocalls and live calls with misleading information.

    In fact it was reported BEFORE the May 2011 election, not this week. Then again, it looks like you commented without actually reading what Info I posted.

  10. "This will be Stephen Harper's sponsorship scandal, perhaps bigger."

    How so Anony @ 2:14pm?

    The "Sponsorship" was a Liberal govt PROGRAM. If this situation has any legs, it will be an overly partisan volunteer. But WHAT IF, it's an overly idiotic techie? Or even a saboteur?

    In no way is the PM linked, simply because he was a leader during an election.
    Unlike the Sponsorship which was a program designed and created by a GOVT,in POWER that the party who led that GOVT financially benefited as did the cheaters. (all proven)

    Perhaps reading the links and some objective analysis of the subject matter would serve you better?

    Conservatives, unlike either of the opps WILL NOT tolerate this from anyone, including their own. Sadly, unlike the enabling, turn a blind eye Canadian political alternative(s) (PLURAL).

  11. Harper is finished. Too many lies and cheating. Canadians have had enough fraud from him and his goons. Adscam could not be linked to Chretien either, he got exhonerated and cleared prsonally. But the Liberals got turfed and so will Harper.

  12. This is WAY worse than Adscam. This is a complete disgrace.

  13. Still can't read eh? The post includes a news story from BEFORE the last election, that verifies Conservative supporters were also receiving these phone calls.

    The news story includes that tidbit about some of the calls being traced to a robocall company working for the LIBERALS!

  14. Hey anon, just so we all understand the basis of your contention that this is going to bring down Harper, lets run through this.
    First, this story actually broke during the last election.
    Second, how is this different than the CBC creating an online questionnaire that was suppose to indicate your political leanings, but was rigged to default to do remember the "vote compass"?
    Third, how is this the same, or worse than how CBC a publically funded broadcaster hired a liberal operative to do push polling during the last election?

  15. Personally, I would guess that working for the conservative office, you likely heard of the robo calling scam that was being pulled, and made a preemptive strike to make it seem like te liberals did it too. Smart move.

  16. Awww, what is the matter Anon at 6:29:00 AM PST.........upset that yet another "wafer chase" is unraveling before your eyes and is about to come to a crashing, sputtering end? :D

  17. And here is another thing ANON, now that we know this has been happening to members of all the parties, don`t think for one solitary second that we have ANY intention in the least of letting this latest attempt at a "wafer chase" go quietly into the night.

  18. "wafer chase"? You are ridiculous, grow up. It's people like you that have killed democracy in Canada.
    No. I totally think that you guys are 100% upfront. And i expect nothing less from you. Your party doesn''t play fair, or tell the truth. Shipping in vans of conservatives from other ridings to take over the Ajax-pickerig debates, lying about the Pickering airport, and now calling and misleading voters as to where to vote. Sounds totally on par with the conservative party. Enjoy your one term is Ajax Pickering, I doubt there will be a second.

  19. For Anon's benifit, from the link Paul provided

    The CBC also reported that one of its journalists had talked to NDP and Conservative supporters who had experienced the same kinds of phone calls.

    Get it now, the SAME kind of phone calls. That was back in May during the election - NINE MONTHS AGO.

    This "issue" is about to die, and if the Liberals and the NDP continue to pursue it when we knew NINE MONTHS ago that this was happening to people in all the Parties, it is just going to backfire on them. Harkov was right, this IS just another wafer chase.

    Conveniently, democracy only seems to work for the Liberals when they are running things. Democracy only seems to be dead when people don`t vote for them. Get over yourselves. No wonder your party is dying.

  20. Who ever said I was a liberal?
    You should work for the conservatives spin machine. Just like them, you avoided all the actual points I brought up and tried to cover it with half truths. If only you had also misappropriated funds, and blocked the democratic procedure. Then you too would be qualified to run as a conservative party leader. Kudos.

  21. "Enjoy your one term is Ajax Pickering, I doubt there will be a second."

    You clowns said Harper would never win the leadership of the Alliance, that he would never unite the right, would never lead the Tories to form a government, would never win a second government, and would never break through in the GTA, and that he would never win a majority. Now you`re telling us that the Tories can`t win another term in Ajax-Pickering when they won the last time. Heh. :D

    I see why you fools hate Harper now - NOTHING you said about him has come to pass; you've ALWAYS been wrong, and thus, look like idiots. Harper just keeps winning, and winning, and *winning*; every one of his gambits a victory, every victory proving you wrong over and over again. And to compound that, your broke, policiless party languishes in third place in the House, being led by the third place loser of a long gone leadership race where he finished behind the last two election losers. I see now why you`re so angry. :D

  22. So Anon (Mark Holland, is that you? :D), who cares if the Liberals aren`t your party. Does it really matter; all the Opposition parties are chasing this losing wafer.

  23. No, that has nothing to do with why you won't be in this riding next term, it's more because of the lies and back peddling by your candidate with respect to the airport. Stand up and lied about right to our faces. I believe he said he was 100% opposed to it. Now he's all for it. Good luck with that. Your party is rude, crass and prepared to lie, cheat and scheme it's way to the top. So many of your members have said they won't vote for you again, and who blames them.
    I have an idea, let's steal from the poor and give to the rich. Oh wait, your party already does that.

  24. LOL Okay Mark, Harper and the Tories have only been defying detractor`s predictions about their failure for almost 10 years now. You said that many people have said that they`d never vote Conservative again, but we`ve been "hearing" them say that in every election since 2004, and their vote share went up, and their funraising went up since then, and now they have a majority. But hey, we`ll believe you now, though. Whatever, LOL :D

  25. No I'm not mark, I doubt he would even bother wasting his time on your senseless drivel. The fact that he's not representing our riding is a shame on everyone here. He actually stood up for the people he represented, and wasn't just a lapdog for his party. And that's coming from a non liberal. I was proud to be from this riding when he represented us, now I hang my head in shame to have this blue haze hanging over our heads.

  26. The list of the conservatives to-be down falls is growing daily. I'm sure you'll be in for a huge surprise next election. A wake up call of sorts. Unless of course you guys can come up with a new way to take away our right to vote, I wouldn't put it past you

  27. "The fact that he's not representing our riding is a shame on everyone here."
    No, its a credit to everyone there. :D

    Conveinetly a "non-Liberal", proud to be represented by a Liberal, belying why he`d vote for another party in the first place, but not saying which. You know, if you`re embarrassed to say you`re a Liberal, well, I can understand that. :D Bye bye no Anony-Mark.

  28. "I'm sure you'll be in for a huge surprise next election."
    We`ve been "in for a huge surprise" since 2004, but it keeps not happening, just like the latest big scandal that you clowns keep mongering for keeps not happening either.

    Sorry Paul, I`m done feeing and eviscerating your trolls today. :D

  29. Honestly, although I'm not a liberal, I'd be happy to be represented by any party other than yours. The ndp is a wonderful party, and I'm proud to support them, mark did a great job for our riding and our green representative seemed to be the type to not put up with all this BS. We could have elected any of them, and been in a better place then we are now. The shame on our riding is thick.

  30. I ran across your blog, while searching robo calls and chris alexeander, assuming because of other trickery he pulled during the election, that this would be one of the ridings that did this.
    I agree with anon. The conservatives ran a dirty election campaign, that was full of lies. It might work once, but I doubt people will believe your candidate next election. I am sad to say I voted for the conservatives this time, believing Chris could be taken for his word. Now my goal is to make sure every conservative I know has the real facts before the next election. We are Canadians, and as such should never put up with being lied to.
    And anon, I was at some of the debates, and I know exactly what you mean by shipping in out of town conservatives. They were bullies that were brought in for that exact reason. Next election I hope they check ID's, before being allowed into the debates.

  31. 1. The NDP candidate never even really ran a campaign in Ajax-Pickering. He was on a sandy beach down south.

    2. Alexander is well respected in the riding, and has his office at the Go station on Westney road.

    If you really wanna talk about dirty tricks in the riding, I will be happy to list a boatload of them from Hoalland's campaign, both in the 2008 and 2011 elections.

  32. An x-employee from a Thunder bay call centre, responsive marketing group, said "we wern't supposed to do it..but we shortened the scripts and said "this is elections Canada calling". What else did they do that they wern't supposed to do? Here's the link and what a mess this is if you read between the lines..

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Oh look, someone else with an anonymous name saying that he "used to vote Conservative but won't anymore". Gee, if enough of you guys were to keep coming out of the wordwork, you'd think the Tories would be lucky to be even the third party. But you know, its curious, the Tories' vote and seat count keeps increasing, desite that. What a coincidence. :D

  35. Ohhhh, he has an office. That must make him trust worthy. You know who else had an office? Mubarak. I bet he'd vote conservative.

  36. Comment deleted. Lol. I guess you like free speech as much as the conservatives.

  37. Fed Up@8:32.........Oh wait, it must be all the vote swindling, democracy stealing, right-wing dogma spouting, neo-con agenda hiding, power usurping, Tories that are to blame for why the Liberals have been suffering the slow decimation of their party in the last FOUR elections. Nope, nothing to do with the Liberals' failures at all. And faux Conservatives, why they won't be able to pull the wool over the eyes of REAL Conservatives again. Nice try, you concern troll, LOL.

  38. Comment deleted. Lol. I guess you like free speech as much as the conservatives.

    No, we just don't like rank stupidity as much as Liberals. :D

  39. Ohhhh, he has an office. That must make him trust worthy. You know who else had an office? Mubarak. I bet he'd vote conservative.

    Oh look, another left-tard troll alluding that the democratically elected PM of Canada is a dictator.

    Meanwhile, Canadians yawn at such boring, timeworn, and predictable antics, and the Liberals continue to lose seats every election. Wow. :D

  40. IMO, Real conservatives are the billion dollar companies who actually profit from the hand outs of their buddies on parliament hill. The only reason they care about anyone else are strictly numbers to keep them in. Don't be fooled.

  41. Michael, a real chip on your shoulder about liberals. I'm guessing a liberal really hurt you, you sound like a spurned lover. Did they kick you out of the party, so you had to become a conservative. That would piss me off too. You should try therapy instead of alienating a political party and it's supporters, might make you a better person. Then maybe we would take you back as a liberal.

  42. Anon, Bob Rae has stated that rot starts at the top, so that mean JC was solely responsible for Adscam and Sponsorship scandal. He planned it in put it in place.
    And as it is only reported robocalls were used in the last election, what caused liberals to go from majority to minority to opposition to 3rd party.
    And please tell us how many millions have been stolen by our govt to instigate robogate. Take off your tinfoil hat.

  43. Well, Mary. If it was only the last election, that the conservative party defrauded the Canadian public, then we should just ignore it, right? And somehow the past actions of a different party, should give the conservatives Carte Blanche to lie and cheat now? Of course, I forgot that's how democracy worked.
    I don't understand how the liberals have anything to do with an illegal action performed by the conservatives. All these robo call companies are giving up the ghost now. And they are all pointing the fingers at the conservatives it seems.
    This has nothing to do with one party losing voters, or another party (NDP) gaining them. It has to do only with lies, scams and illegal defrauding of the public.
    You all attack the liberals, mostly I'm sure, because they were your only reasonable opponent before. Time to open your Blindfolded eyes and realize that the liberals are te least of your worries.

  44. What are those poor voters going to do next election, with 30 ridings being added to the pie.
    Poor anon, his riding might get divided and he wont know where to vote.
    It is a great education to be involved in changing the boundries. There will be public meetings and if you don't attend you can't complain.

  45. You have no idea on what level I do or do not participate in politics. You should be careful what stones you throw when living in a glass house.

  46. And you should be careful trying to throw glass stones at a stone House. But then, being made of glass and easy to shatter is what the NDPQ will be during the next election. :D

  47. Oh, big comeback micheal. Did someone help you write that, or did you come up with it all by yourself?

  48. Any candidate who knowingly accepts donations from a website that suggests you get a gun and hunt down your opponent is not working for OUR Canada. I feel, the conservatives have taken a man, who seems like he WAS a stand up man at some point in his life, and have ripped out any morals he may have had. I hope his children don't find out what kind of horrible people helped get him elected.

    1. I had forgotten all about that web site. How horrible was that!

  49. "Anonymous said...
    Comment deleted. Lol. I guess you like free speech as much as the conservatives.

    February 27, 2012 9:37:00 AM PST"

    Sure, I'm the overly partisan one. Trying reading and doing a full copy and paste next time moron. The author, that being another anonymous, posted than deleted their own comment. I await your apology.

    "Comment deleted
    This comment has been removed by the author"

  50. "And anon, I was at some of the debates, and I know exactly what you mean by shipping in out of town conservatives. They were bullies that were brought in for that exact reason. Next election I hope they check ID's, before being allowed into the debates."

    Really? Me too. And at every one Holland tried to brow beat and bully Alexander, who handled Holland the class no matter how over the top Holland acted.

    As for shipping in out of town Conservatives, get a life. I've lived in Ajax my entire life and knew the majority of people at the debates, most longtime Ajax-Pickering residents.

  51. I'm sorry, but your wrong. I was at these debates too, and have lived in, and been involved in, the politics of the region for many many years as well. These same 3 large passenger vans of mostly men, openly admitted that they were from out of town, and that the local campaign office had arranged transportation for them to come to the debates. They came with signs and noise makers. I had talked, for some time with them at one of the debates, because I found it unfair that they, from several ridings away, we're half of the people in line asking questions at the divi mandir debate. They were there simply there to bully the actual residents.
    And it's marks job to brow beat his opponents, how else would we know that Chris was a liar when it came to the important issues like the airport. If anything, I think the green party guy was the hardest on him. Too bad he didn't win, he was great

  52. "These same 3 large passenger vans of mostly men, openly admitted that they were from out of town, and that the local campaign office had arranged transportation for them to come to the debates."

    Really. Funny, Both my sister and her husband worked at the campaign office every day, and I was down there most days of the week. As was Mr. Alexander.

    They openly admitted it, eh? To be blunt, you are full of shit. The campaign office never paid for or took part in any such thing. What the campaign office did do was let supporters know dates and times of the various debates, and did offer traven assistance for the elderly and disabled.

  53. I'm sorry if you've been misinformed, but they clearly stated to a large group of people, that the conservatives office provided them transport from Oshawa and Clairington to come and provide support for the debates. They were not local people, and none had disabilities. They wasted the residents time for questions, and we're intimidating to others that wanted to ask questions. Perhaps it was their offices that transported them, but I don't see why that would be. And I guess they could have lied about it, but really 3 vans of people with the same lie? Not likely.

  54. LMAO, "I am 100% opposed to the Pickering airport" apparently we took that the wrong way. We didn't understand what he actually meant by that statement. What a joke!


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