Monday, December 26, 2011

Blogging Tory Challenge- Who Guergis Should Be Suing...

I find both quite amusing, and completely pathetic that former MP Helena Guergis has filed a defamation lawsuit against PM Stephen Harper and some others in the Conservative Party, while seeming to ignore those that did the real damage to her reputation, members of the NDP, Liberals, and Bloc. So, to that end, I think it would be a fun Blogging Tory challenge to post some of the most extreme comments regarding the allegations that were made against Guergis.

The goal of this challenge is two-fold. #1 is to show how Guergis sour grapes and inability to accept her fate is more about partisan hate than any real damage to her reputation. #2 is the more important part of the challenge. Let's show Guergis what she seems to have overlooked, that being the smear job by the opposition parties against her, as well as some of the usual suspects in the msm. By doing so, the defence in the lawsuit will have plenty of ammunition in it's defence, showing Guergis lawsuit is more about attempted paybacks than any real defamation.

Of course Guergis could amend or file suit against those making said comments. If not, she might need to explain why. So, to kick things off, I thought I would quote one Pat Martin, NDP MP and one of the worst offenders regarding Guergis:

"New Democrat MP Pat Martin (Winnipeg Centre) said the allegations must be serious.

“This is huge. There has got be something really serious under foot here ... for Harper to distance himself in an extreme and extraordinary way," Martin said Friday. “This is not just a resignation it's political hari-kiri. Falling on your sword is one thing but when you disembowel yourself it's something else.”


  1. Well I would start with Wayne Easter.. he of 'someone, somewhere told me' fame for his fake airport breakdown accusation.

    Secondly, I would be adding many members of the Press Gallery for the smear job stories they wrote after digging into her past history!


  2. How about Iggy calling Guergis a liar. The TO Red Star ran a completely false story with the "Busty hookers and cocaine" story. Really though... what the heck is she thinking?

  3. Poor, weepy, Helena didn't need much help here, looks to me like the damage was self inflicted..

    Guergis was found to have breached sections 8 and 9 of the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of Parliament.

    Section 8 prohibits MPs from acting with their personal interests or those of their family in mind.

    Section 9 bans MPs from using their position to influence a decision that could further those same interests.

  4. Helena needs to sue her husband. He brought most of her troubles and I think is the real reason she was dropped by the caucus.

    Old Lady

  5. Perhaps she should name herself in the lawsuit for her "mistakes".

    "April 9, 2010

    This morning, I tendered my resignation as Minister of State for Status of Women to the Prime Minister which he accepted.

    The past 9 months have been a very difficult time for me. I have made mistakes for which I have apologised. I want the people of PEI to know that when I spoke emotionally I was speaking about the airport as I would never insult my father’s birthplace. I apologise again. I have worked hard for Canadian women and I am proud of my record of my accomplishments on their behalf.

    I will continue in my position as MP for Simcoe-Grey and continue to serve my community.

    Helena Guergis, MP Simcoe Grey

  6. if any ones here today all the best have a gud new year
    alfred beilin


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