Saturday, April 9, 2011

Why Is The Media Lying About The Conservative Campaign Events

Since the start of the election, we have seen one thing consistent. The medias reporting of Conservative rally's attended by PM Stephen Harper. Led by the duo of CBC's Terry Milewski and CTV's Roger Smith, we keep hearing how the PM looks angry, they are running a poor campaign, PM lacks energy, understating attendance numbers, blah, blah, blah.

The problem is this is factually untrue, and both Milewski and Smith know it. I attended the Ajax rally on Thursday. Over 1000 people attended, with the official number being closer to 1300. Packed room, lots of energy, PM was fantastic, lauding the Tory platform, as well as tossing some humour into his speech.

Joanne at Blue Like You attended the Kitchener rally, and reported the same thing. PM full of energy, crowd loved the event, etc. Jean Lapierre mentioned a Quebec rally with record numbers, comparing it to the crowds Mulroney drew in 1988. Other posters on various blogs that have attended Conservative rallies have a similar story.

Yet the ongoing narrative in the media, led by CTV and CBC is how bad the Conservative campaign has been. If one looks at any of the polls, Nanos, Ipsos, Ekos, the Conservatives enjoy a comfortable lead of anywhere between 9-15 points. In my previous post I pointed out Global TV taking the latest Ipsos poll showing a 15 point Conservative lead, and painting it as a sign things were going great for the Liberals and bad for the Conservatives.

So why is the msm being so dishonest? Is it because they want a closer race to get more viewers? Is it the fact their left-wing bias is really starting to show? Or is it a sign of the growing desperation of the three coalition parties, the ones all wearing an engagement ring but denying their plans to wed?
I'm guessing if we did a poll it would be all of the above.


  1. Great article VOR. Puts is nicely in perspective without any grandstanding.

    It's only 9 days until we get access to Sun News least I hope that it's accessible. I can't get a straight answer out of Shaw.

  2. I attended the Kitchener Waterloo Cambridge rally last evening and let me tell you there was not one angry person there...except perhaps the media...the place was jam packed and no one was turned away!!!!...the PPM gave a fantastic speech...very energizing

  3. This is written in the Liberal platform "A Liberal government will provide the CBC and Radio-Canada with stable and predictable funding in support of their unique and crucial roles."

    Of course we know what CBC's role is.

  4. I too attended the Ajax-Pickering rally. Great crowd - enthusiastic and capacity. On the one hand the MSM complains that persons have to preregister to attend - but on the other hand discount the numbers from those who have actually registered. I wonder where Terry and the CBC think those "extras" go.

  5. I would LOVE to have some Cons bloggers get some photos up of the msm 'journos' at these events! Show us how angry and disinterested in getting the real story out!! Turn the tables on them..hold them accountable.

  6. Sammy, at the Ajax rally Roger Smith played with his blackberry the entire time, including during the singing of the national anthem.

    Milewski sat through the first half, shaking his head indisbelief when the crowd chanted Harper Harper. The second half he stood behind the cameras scribbling.

  7. I have not been to a rally yet during this campaign. But it's important that every voter know what these rallies are really all about.

  8. CBC's Terry Milewski and CTV's Roger Smith have to lie... they have cheat and do whatever they need to, because it the Conservatives win a majority, their gravy train ends and all they will have to look forward to is dying two old and bitter losers. (of course you could argue they already are)

  9. My feeling at the start of the election campaign was that if the left (meaning predominantly Liberal) seemed to be losing the campaign , the MSM would step in with full bias to help backstop the Liberals at every chance.

    The MSM elite seem to be terrified of another Conservative win , and they will be absolutely apoplectic if PM Harper wins a majority.

    If the MSM were truly neutral and had the interest of the country in mind (choke cough), they would be writing about the disastrous potential of a coalition with the Bloc in control !

    A similar story is playing out with the global warming freaks ... the more ground they lose the more shrill their screams and again the MSM backstops them.

    Take a moment to read about this SLAPP lawsuit :

  10. Ig's "rallies" shots usually taken from (appropriately) worm's eye POV. You end up with great zooms up Mike's flaring russo-patrician nostrils, the perspective giving us a peasants' view of the colossus with feets of clay. The rest of the shot is usually filled with a background of ceilings and fans. Unless the room is one with a glass ceiling, then there's always the chance for an interesting Jackson Pollock like spattering of puffin turds on the background above Iggy's head.

    Good indicator of his standing, but not worth a hoot for people counts.

    When the campaign has photogs shooting up from the candidate's, you KNOW they're trying to conceal the crappy low numbers of "supporters."

  11. Please amend foregoing to read as:

    ". . . When the campaign has photogs shooting up from the candidate's . . .

    . . . ANKLES . . .

    . . . . you KNOW they're trying to conceal the crappy low numbers of "supporters."

  12. I HATE the media. I would really like to know wtf is in it for them and what justification they use for their blatant lies. I don't get it. Are they afraid of another Mulroney-style majority?

  13. What is in it for the media, lots of senate seats coming up in the next few years, plus patronage jobs. Too bad the GG is set for at least 5 yrs. But, if we get a majority look for a lot of retirements at ctv and cbc.

  14. family pac ads running on tsn and the weather channel.

  15. Haha, it's not working, the media lies are being ignored!
    Canadians are not stupid.

    poll says :
    '..Two weeks into the May 2 election campaign, the survey by Ipsos Reid shows 44 per cent of Canadians surveyed were awarding the Tories either an 'A' or 'B' grade for the effectiveness of their campaign, despite some unflattering headlines last week about Conservative leader Stephen Harper's campaign style...'

  16. Carolyn Jarvis reporting from Global with Jacques Bourdeau and Jennifer Ditchburn...Harpers 2 weeks , he was stiff and angry and controlled in a bubble. Took 4 days to talk about the "people"getting thrown out of his ralleys....where is he going to cut to make up for the 11 billion in the budget..this is why he got voted down in parliament....all total negativity. no mention of anything Liberal except how good iggy is at everything. No mention of the monsterous hole in his budget.The report was a disgrace and packed with falsehoods. I feel sorry for PM Harper having to go into the lions den with these pigs. Now Layton is on running down PM Harper non stop with his blather.Influence peddling is taking over Ottawa he says.What a lying bunch of blowhards.

  17. Anon @ 1:00:

    Photographing from low angles also tends to change the image that comes out:

    "Low angles tend to lend strength and dominance to a subject and dramatize the subject. Low angle shots are used when dramatic impact is desired. This type of shot is very useful for separating the subject from the background, for eliminating unwanted foreground and background, and for creating the illusion of greater size and speed"

    Photographers are trying to make Iggy more powerful, more dramatic, stronger than he otherwise would seem in a picture. Notice you don't see these pics of the other Leaders.

  18. Hi Oxygentax:

    I still repeat my earlier contention, that in today's sophisticated viewership world, the age old rules regarding still photo and cinema angles got blown away long before the demise of film, anything from Tri-X B&W, to 8-, Super 8, 16, 35 etc.

    Orson Wells' 1941 Citizen Kane, with the breakout use of multiple cameras, angles and perspectives, and the earlier, 1934 Nazi propagandist, Leni Riefenstahl's 'Triumph of the Will,' pretty well set the template for this sort of propagandizing image making. Which is why I stated earlier:

    ". . . Ig's "rallies" shots usually taken from (appropriately) worm's eye POV. You end up with great zooms up Mike's flaring russo-patrician nostrils, the perspective giving us a peasants' view of the colossus with feets of clay. YOU END UP WITH GREAY ZOOM SHOTS UP MIKE'S FLARING RUSSO-PATRICIAN NOSTRILS, THE PERSPECTIVE GIVING US A PEASANT'S-EYE VIEW OF THE 'COLOSSUS WITH FEETS OF CLAY.' The rest of the shot is usually filled with a background of ceilings and fans. . . "

    Horrific to observe Canada's public media adapting so well into it's role of Adolf Schicklgruber's Leni Riefenstahl.

  19. the other effects you've cited can also be more effectively and vividly achieved through use of $5,000 300 - 420 mm f/2.8 to f/8 telephoto lenses for foreshortening, depth of field manipulation, etc.

    The photogs at PMSH Friday rally in Kitchener were using such lenses, then "dumping" the complete set of shots, via computer, to an editor who can do immediate Photshopwerk to each and every image, as they come in.

  20. The only angry person I saw at the Beaumont Alberta overlflow rally was Roger Smith. The crowd was big, noisy, friendly, and the PM was great. Confident, feisty, had the crowd on his side. And clearly the crowd was unimpressed with the Coalition, considering the boos heard everytime they were mentioned.
    I noticed that the following morning the CBC talked about the policies of the other parties except the Cons - the only mention they got was that someone with some police interest was delivering flyers in Edmonton. Wow.

    These MSM people really don't realize how much they are pissing people off. Sun TV, if it follows some of the Fox process, will do great.


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