Saturday, April 2, 2011

CBC's George Stroumboulopoulos Facebook Page Also Contains Links To Anti-Harper Websites..

I previously posted today on the Rick Mercer Report Facebook page containing links to Anti-Harper Facebook webpages. Many of those webpages appear to be run by the opposition parties, showing those who "like" the page to include Ignatieff, Layton, Duceppe, as well as a number of MP's from the opposition parties. The problem is these pages can be reached via CBC's own website. By clicking on personalities, you can then look for anyone appearing on CBC's profile, which usually includes a link to the Facebook page for that particular show or personality.

For instance, you can link to the Not Stephen Harper Facebook page via Stroumboulopoulos Facebook page. Here is the link:!/pages/Not-Stephen-Harper-2011/199235506777501

Interesting looking at those who "like" that page. Among the notables are Duceppe, Layton, May, Trudeau, Mercer, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, various universities, etc.

So does the CBC see any problem in having links from it's website that direct viewers to anti-Conservative parties? If not, they should!

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