Saturday, April 16, 2011

Canadians Should Rise Up and Elect A Conservative Majority

Ignatieff looks more and more desperate every passing day. He's tried to emulate the Obama campaign ad with his own, talking about the passing of his mother. He's tried copying Obama's mannerism's when speaking. He's tried mimicking Obama rallies. All with little success.

So now he wants Canadians to rise up, another take-off of Obama. Here's a tip Mikey. Nobody likes a copycat. Makes you look weak and desperate. Try acting like yourself. Oh, wait. That dog didn't hunt either. Never mind.

To all Canadians,on May 2nd, rise up and elect a majority Conservative government.


  1. Iggy was just on CPAC from A Regina ralley with Paul Martin. He said "rise up" 50 times at least. He must of been smoking something. What a wacko.He's totally lost it. It was 1/2 hour of a summary of that bad PM Harper. Nothing on what he would do for Canada or his platform...nothing but nonsense and foolish talk. He introduced Paul Martin as the savior of Canada's health care. Talk about delusional. Its almost to the point where he might need a straight jacket.

  2. Remember those freedom 55 commercials about retirement. Well Stephen Harper should launch Freedom 155. This of course would be enough seats for a Tory Majority and the retirement of Count Iggy and the death of the Coalition.

  3. Rise up... it's a call to activists, not the general public.
    Iffy is obviously inning his hopes on all those kids and special interest groups voting Liberal.

    Thing is, NDP/Greens are a much better fit for the kids.

    CPC response could be (much more mature and inclusive):

    Reach Out

  4. I'm rolling on the floor watching this nutbar. He has completely lost all credibility. You would have to be a die hard Liberal to vote for him after that performance. Let's hope he keeps it up.

  5. I thought it was more like Iggy finding his inner Howard Dean

  6. Who remembers the parachute Club from the 80s? This is Ignatieff's version of their song - Rise up


    No there trying to say he meant springsteen

  8. He mentioned Springsteen which was a 2002 song about fire fighter deaths on 9/11.

    The Parachute Club song was amazing, but Iggy was in England when that song won the 1884 Juno.

  9. Iggy's choice:

    Conservative rise up choice:

  10. Actually, he was in Edmonton with Paul Martin. In Regina Ralph Gooodale was his puppy dog.
    Last night in Sudbury was when he made an issue of "Rise Up" and then again tonight in Edmonton.
    Strange, but he started his campaign in St. John's and the Lib candidate there did an introduction using the "Rise Up" rant over and over. When Iggy was asked today, he let on he just got the idea from his Ipod while playing the Springsteen song. Liberals..same story...lie all the time.

  11. Nah,I'm gonna sit out this election. Hopefully Harper will resign after this election.

  12. Ignatieff is {{{{SCARY}}}}

    His name is scary ... his face is scary ... his voice is scary ... he sounds like some kind of American yahoo with his emotional rants hectoring Canadians on how they should vote.

    His voice has an American twang ... and sounds like a cross between a Bostonian accent and a Texan drawl.

    Listen carefully to him and you will agree. The man is spooky.


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