Sunday, March 27, 2011

Layton's Memories Of 2004 Seem To Differ From The Facts

Seems memories change over time. Watch the above youtube video of Jack Layton from today. The Globe and Mail is trotting it out as proof Stephen Harper wanted a coalition in 2004. Then take a listen to that tweet(H/T Joanne at Blue Like You). That's Jack Layton from 2004 when questioned about a coalition including Conservatives, NDP, and Bloc. Today's comments don't seem to jibe with those Mr. Layton made in 2004.

It also suggests that when you listen to Layton's 2004 comments, where he flatly refuses to support a Conservative government, that his 2010 budget demands were nothing more than playing Canadian voters for fools. Layton's claim to fame, at least according to him, is that he wants to make Parliament work. Sure doesn't seem like it from those comments.

I apologize for lack of html. For whatever reason my links won't seem to work.


  1. Coalition letter 2004

  2. That hip bone is connected to the brain bone. (real conservative)

  3. Busted as Brian Topp said in his book and Layton confirmed letter was a pressure tactic to get Martin government to table.

  4. Seems pundits and the coalition leaders have forgotten why that letter was written. Martin had spent 10 in his quest to take over the party. PMJC had a huge majority when he resigned and Paul Martin took over. Adscam and sponsorship were making their way to the public. Martin, was facing a new party and a new leader. His ego had him call an unnecessary election to increase his majority. Didn't work, he ended up with a minority after promising an inquiry into the scandal. The AG's report come out. He was threatening another quick election rather than face a no confidence vote. That letter was to tell the GG not to grant Martin's request to dissolve the House if he asked.
    Martin has a secret meeting in a hotel room with Belinda and got her to cross the floor and problem solved. No trip to the GG and letter not sent. Next election, Martin was in opposition and resigned. Liberals have lost around 100 seats since Martin. They will lose more on May 2. No liberals are going to get elected on the Counts coat tails, aka Trudeau.
    And every lib candidate will be asked at the doorstep, do you still support the coalition document you signed in 2008. Take it to the candidates, not just the leader. Make them sign an affidavit if they say no I don't. Put the ndp candidate to the test also. No body believes the Count except his media buddies.

  5. That may be the excuse Mary, but most will doubt it was the reason.

    No one is going to forget those three names on the letter to the GG in 2004. No one is going to let them forget it.

  6. And nobody will ever forget Duceppe saying he would have no role in the federal government.

  7. So are you ever going to address Layton's 2004 comments. His signature is on that document you supplied a link to, yet he himself declared there was never a coalition between him Harper, and Duceppe.

    So Layton denied it then. harper denied it then. And Duceppe denied it the. Move ahead to 2011. Duceppe and Layton now claim there was a coalition. The only one consistent is Harper.

  8. I find the 2004 political amigo's a little hard to follow.

    There names are on the 2004 letter to the GG and thats good enough for me.

    Lets let them duke it out.

  9. They may keep at it but it is not sticking to the PM's base and will not change any conservative votes. I doubt you were ever a true tory.

  10. It doesnt matter how anyone cuts the cake, the three 2004 amigos had a deal with their to take over parliament in 2004 as they were offering to do with the GG. The letter speaks for itself. In what I would conclude from Harpers description of his present day perceived coalition, I would have to say 2004 was a coaltion attempt too.

    If it walks like a duck and quacks and looks like one, well, its a duck, right?

  11. Or maybe, its a goose, and Harper may have dropped a rotten egg, enough that his marginal supporters have reason to leave. There are alot of upset purple tories that could go 'poof' and leave like rats off a ship.

  12. Agree Mary T. Canadian's feel comfortable and safe with Stephen Harper as Prime Minister.
    The Bloq supported coalition scared the wits out of people in Manitoba in 2008.
    I don't remember anyone frightened by the actions of Stephen Harper's letter in 2004.
    Canadian's apprehension are still fresh from the 2008 election.

  13. Why would anyone expect a Progressive to be consistent? The ends justify the means. If it means a few more votes for the Progressives, it will be said, it will be done. They are simply not bothered by mundane concerns such as morals or ethics.

  14. Mary T. I wonder if you were, are, our could every hope to be a conservative? Are you angry about some something else hiding in the conservative party?

    Are you a so-con, neo-con, reformer, alliance, or just a hang over from the old protest days?

    When people say to me they are a 'Tory', I just dont know what that means any more. I have to go by year and leader.

  15. Harper's plane now called 'ScaremongerAir' by the press.

  16. Voted social credit for about 35 yrs in AB, and federally. Reform/conservative since. Wildrose in AB.
    THose voting ethics at the ctv question of the day, wonder how many are voting ethics because of the liberal lack of same.

  17. "Harper's plane now called 'ScaremongerAir' by the press"

    Yep, that's the press that claims to be non-partisan.

  18. So let me see if I have this sorted out - not one of the opposition parties is claiming that they can win a majority on their own. In other words (for the math challenged) everyone, including the MSM (Toronto centric), pushed for this election knowing full well they will need a lefty Coalition. The Liberals, NDP and BLOC use a 2004 election to justify their cooperation. Why can't they just admit it and move on? No rubber necking allowed, embrace your solidarity. This ain't an accident, its a plan. Cheers.


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