Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Ignatieff Overplays His Hand...

I don't claim to be clairvoyant, but the scenario that unfolded today as budget details were released is exactly what I thought would happen months ago. Ignatieff, sorry, make that Donolo, decided the Liberals could not continue to look like punching bags whenever any vote of confidence occurred and they played peek-a-boo behind the curtains. Liberals were sure Layton would take over that role as Layton also feared an election. So confident were Liberals that Ignatieff declared Liberals would vote against the budget months ago, before it had even been crafted.

Today it looks like Ignatieff/Donolo may have misjudged Layton. Although there appeared to be a slim chance for Layton to support the budget if NDP amendments were made. Jim Flaherty closed the door on that scenario by declaring there would be no amendments. The Conservatives go into an election campaign from a position of strength, both in the polls and in the details of today's budget.

After Layton's poor decision to have the NDP support keeping the gun registry, Dippers were more than a little vulnerable in key rural riding's. By voting against the budget, Layton hopes to reconnect with disenfranchised NDP supporters. Gilles Duceppe sees the Bloc as capable of picking up more seats, and has nothing to lose in an election.

Which appears to leave Michael Ignatieff in a lose-lose situation. Step off the cliff and force the election. If Harper gets a majority Liberals have no chance at power for a minimum 4 years. Harper gets a minority and Liberals are probably looking at 2-3 years before another election. Backtrack into the waiting pack of wolves by having enough Liberals miss the budget vote to allow passage and get eaten for again looking like a patsy.


  1. Iggy is in a win-win situation. In the unlikely scenario that he wins the election he will be Prime Minister of his second favorite country. If he loses he will return to Harvard located in his favorite country.

  2. I think the coalition had this all planned.God help us all if the conservatives don't win a majority.

  3. Majority?!? Are u smoking dope?? Momentum has shifted. Harper will be lucky to hang on to a minority.

  4. Care to share the source of to that statement, nony? How rose coloured are those glasses?
    - Socialistslayer

  5. Momentum has shifted??? HAHAHAHAHA. Are you even on the same planet? The Liberals are going to get spanked, schooled, taken to the woodshed big time. I can hardly wait!!

  6. The speculation is fun. Thank God (and Craig Smith and Stephen Taylor) for Blogging Tories. I can put up with contrarian viewpoints on BTs, but the firehose of anti-Conservative bias on the TV networks is too much for my partisan spirit -- although my kids like watching me watch Power Play or CBC news.

  7. Momentum has shifted? McGuinty will be gone....Vaughn is Blue...Toronto's Mayor is a Conservative. Canadians will never have a coalition Govt.West of Wgp. its BLUE and the Liberals are going down in Ontario and Toronto and more seats for Conservatives in NFLD coming up and NB is BLUE. Prime Minister Harper got us through the worst recession since the second world war.Canadians don't trust Liberals and read the new book coming out March 30th on the Sponsorship Scandal and why Liberal Minister didn't go to jail.
    Look at the polls....Harper is near majority and Iggy is lower then Dion. I know what your smoking. lol

  8. I thought I had missed the budget as there were the talking heads on CTV and CBC. Only found it on CPAC...poorly done CTV and CBC. Who elected you?

  9. Let the games begin, and the truth will get out there. Regardless of what Scott says, those jets are not being bought in one year.
    And poor Giles, nothing for Quebec. This budget is for all Canadians and as the Bloc don't think of themselves as Canadians what are they b------g about. Maybe they should join Canada and become Canadians, they might be surprised at the reception they get.

  10. this election is about allowing a coalition of pseudo-leftists, radial leftists, eco-communists and sepratists to run the country; all you have to do is look at McGinty's lunatic "green-education-health" tax crazy agenda then multipy that and one can see what will happnen if these "progressive" nutbars get control


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