Monday, February 14, 2011

Former CRTC boss Bertrand Suffering from Lefty Tunnel Vision.

"OTTAWA - A former chairwoman of the CRTC says she's not holding her tongue any longer after watching the Conservative government demand a reversal of the regulator's decision on usage-based Internet billing.

Francoise Bertrand, now president of the Federation of Quebec Chambers of Commerce, has remained largely silent over the last decade on telecom issues so that she wouldn't be seen as an armchair quarterback".

So Bertrand is upset the government wants the decision reversed and things they should stay out of it. Problem is nowhere does she mention the fact the Liberals and NDP both demanded the decision be reversed as well. But here is where Bertrand stepped in it, showing her bias:

"Bertrand, who under the Liberal government did not have a single decision overturned by cabinet, said that repeatedly questioning the decisions of the commission will only sow confusion in the telecom and broadcasting industries and potentially hamper investment.

Now we have a minister, or I don't know who, who have not heard all the facts, all the elements, and decides arbitrarily that it's not a good decision and it should be the other way around," said Bertrand

Well, hate to break it to you, but Ignatieff is taking credit for the reversal of the CRTC decision:

"On Tuesday morning, we sided with you against the CRTC’s decision. By the end of the day, Liberal MPs on the Industry Committee had already begun an investigation. Then, yesterday, we kept the pressure on the Conservative government during Question Period in the House of Commons. At tonight’s meeting of the Industry Committee, Liberal MPs will tell CRTC Chair Konrad von Finckenstein to reverse course.

This isn’t the first time that you’ve stared down the Conservatives over an open internet "

Of course I could really rub salt in the wound and point out her hypocrisy in speaking out about the subject, considering she is not a part of the CRTC. But I'm sure if she reads this she'll realize she already made herself look stupid.


  1. Iggy and the libtards couldn't take credit from a visa card.

  2. She thinks she is someone important to whom we should pay attention. She sounds like your typical Liberal appointee, or ex appointee in this case.

  3. bureaucrats setting policy. that should change.


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