Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mark Holland's Opinion On Partisan Flyers Paid By Taxpayers....

"Mark Holland, a Liberal MP from a riding east of Toronto who was personally targeted in one of the flyers, launched a formal complaint with the Speaker of the House, saying they contravene Commons bylaws

"That's simply wrong … sending out extremely partisan material," Holland said. "All of these activities, particularly the most recent examples, are in such blatant disregard of the rules. They have to stop."


  1. Oh, I suppose marching thru the street with stolen files is in the rules. Has the Speaker ever ruled on that complaint.

  2. Holland is a frik'n cry baby.

    Time to grow up you Liberal pussy & grow a pair.

  3. Dr. body-bags Bennett was "wrong". Nothing is written about Mark Holland that isn't true.

    Michael St, Paul's

  4. Will some one in the MSM please hold Mark Holland to account????

  5. As a Conservative supporter I gotta say that I'm sick of those bloody flyers. I emailed my MP and told him to knock it off and they replied that they have a duty to keep the voters informed. What a bunch of crap, I'm in one of the safest ridings in the country.

  6. I wonder how many of these flyers - paid for by you and I - end up in the garbage or the recycling pile without even being looked at twice.

    I know mine do.

    They are a flippin waste of money and I would dare say that they have not had a dramatic effect on changing a person's vote.

  7. Has the Speaker ever ruled on that complaint.

    MaryT, don't hold your breath because the speaker is not going to interfer.

    Holland is using his liberal media to his advantage since no reporter in that media would dare stand up to him and he knows it.

    Fay, Are nuts? the media? what media is there to hold Holland to account; they are as bad as he.


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