Monday, October 25, 2010

Biggest Loser In Race For Mayor Of Toronto? Ipsos-Reid's Credibility

Contradicting most pollsters late in the race, Ipsos-Reid had Ford and Smitherman in what they called a dead heat, with Smitherman holding a lead within the margin of error. Looking at Ford's convincing win tonight, one must wonder exactly what they were doing when polling. Ford's internal polling showed him with a 9+ point lead heading into the final weekend.

Which leads me to wonder why any pollster is given any semblance of credibility. During the last federal election, Nanos had a close heat between Harper and Dion, and then did an about face on the last night polling could be done. Ekos headed by Frank Graves? Nuff said.

So a deep and heartfelt congratulation to Rb Ford, Mayor of Toronto. Man that sounds good.

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