Saturday, September 25, 2010

If It Saves One Life It's Worth The Cost....

So say the opposition parties and Lefty media when arguing for the Long Gun Registry. But is a life saved by a gun registry (which they can't prove) more valuable than a life saved by keeping violent and chronic offenders incarcerated? Well, according to those that support the gun registry, the answer is yes. They ridicule the costs of more jails and stiffer sentences, led by Liberal leader Michael Ignatieff. So I think it's time to use the socialist mantra of if one life is saved and use it to bolster stiffer sentences, longer sentences, and tighter bail and parole. The beautiful thing here is you can actually say these people wouldn't have been victimized of the accused had been in jail where they belong. This will be part 1 of an ongoing series. Feel free to provide links or mention cases you are aware of.

"A man accused of slaying two women in their east-end home Monday morning had been out on bail since March while facing charges of sexual assault, a police source said yesterday.

Nathaniel O'Brien, 31, was released from jail last spring but is scheduled to appear in Superior Court in May next year to answer to six charges, which include two counts each of aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault with a weapon and attempted choking, court documents show.

O'Brien was arrested earlier this week in connection with the deaths of his neighbours, Saramma Varughese, 65, and Susan John, 43, and an attack on John's 20-year-old daughter, Sara.

The two older women were discovered suffering from stab wounds after an intruder broke into their Rotary Dr. home just before 7 a.m.

Sara, a York University student, is in hospital recovering from injuries. Neighbours said she ran from her house early Monday screaming for help.

In 2006, O'Brien was charged in connection with two incidents, the first when a woman was attacked and anally raped on June 11 as she was walking out of a bar near Kingston and Manse Rds. in the city's east end, the source said.

She was hit over the head with a brick in the early morning darkness.

O'Brien was charged again after a woman in her early 20s was raped near Dean Park and Meadowvale Rd. on June 13. The perpetrator tried to strangle her with a rope, the source said.

"But a good citizen interrupted the attack and he fled," the source said.

Last year when O'Brien was convicted of assaulting his mother at her Durham home, his DNA sample was added to the national bank."

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