Sunday, September 12, 2010

Former Ignatieff Chief Of Staff Gives A True Glimpse Of The Intolerant Liberal Mind....

Liberals, the supposed party of tolerance. Hmmm, what to make of former Iggy aide Ian Davey and his comments on tv today:

"The Toronto Sun is a paper for people who can't read. And that probably applies to the whole chain," Ian Davey said on CTV Question Period."

Wonder what Ignatieff thinks of such a comment. Is this the new respect and way of doing things he says the Liberal Party is doing? Davey has confirmed in one sentence what Atwood, Soros and others think refuse to say publicly. Those that don't agree with their viewpoints don't deserve a say or to have their thoughts and ideas out there in the public eye.

Pretty pathetic and arrogant, even for a Liberal. Maybe Kady, who seems to be consumed 24/7 with the Sun Media application might want to ask Ignatieff if he shares the same views as his former chief of staff.


  1. Another "beer and popcorn" moment for the Liberals.

  2. Mayhaps this is why he is a former Chief of Staff. Thank goodness the great unwashed heard this slander instead of reading it in the "dead tree" media, known as Toronto rags. Reading is so high school. Cheers. FernStAlbert

  3. I don't think it's very nice to call the people who read SUN Media illiterate, but how do you go from there to 'SUN Media should not be allowed to publish its newspaper and/or start a television channel'--i.e. "Those that don't agree with their viewpoints don't deserve a say or to have their thoughts and ideas out there in the public eye."

  4. LOL, and the Sun article reporting Davy's comment already has 88 comments.
    I'm betting that's a new high for the Sun media chain.
    Keep it up Liberals,
    the free advertising is priceless.

  5. looks like we are hearing the true Liberal mindset...last week a BC Liberal leader blogged that the treatment of the tamils and policy was akin to the Nazi' treatment of the today insulting an enitre newspaper readership..thank you for the gifts!!

  6. "looks like we are hearing the true Liberal mindset...last week a BC Liberal leader blogged that the treatment of the tamils and policy was akin to the Nazi' treatment of the jews"

    I think those comments were pretty stupid, but (a) they werem't made by a "BC Liberal leader", they were made by a former candidate and riding association president, and (b) they didn't compare our treatment of Tamil refugee claimants to the Nazis' treatment of the Jews, they compared the suggestion that we turn away a boat full of Tamil refugee claimants to our decision to turn away a boat full of Jews trying to escape Nazi Germany.


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