Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Note To CBC, CTV, Toronto Star, CP24, Premier Dad, And George Smitherman...

Rob Ford is kicking your pathetic asses. Listened to radio shows today, checked various polls, and it seems most are onboard with Ford's thinking about immigrants, and more importantly, becoming responsible once again fiscally to the people of Toronto. All those headlines and talk of outrage over Ford's comments in last nights debates is mostly limited to you select few.

Keep up the great work Rob. If the people of Toronto can come to their senses, so too can the people of Ontario.


  1. It sounds like maybe, just maybe, the people of Toronto have finally had all they can take.

  2. The Socialist Shangri-la is appears to showing cracks.

    The taxpayer may have enough of the Liberal Democrats compassion at their expense.

  3. Living in Windsor (how pathetic is that) I did not have the fortune to listen to Rob but anyone whose campaign slogan is "Vote Rob Ford the only one who is not a Communist" is alright by me.
    Hopefully my buddy Randy Hillier can impress the OPCP to follow Rob's way.
    Monday should finally send Rob over the top when the Tamils again protest.

  4. The Toronto Sun has become Judas as I suspected and as they have in past. You can count on the Sun to always stab a conservative in the back at the last minute in order to bring them down just as they are trying to do to Ford. Why you ask? 'They' don't feel that they can control Ford and 'They' don't like it. Myself, I want a mayor that is willing to listen to what I say instead of vaccous platitudes like the rest of the stick puppets running for mayor. (real conservative)


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