Thursday, August 19, 2010

Meet The Liberal Hit List (Part 5 Stephane Dion)

It would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Liberals were telling Canadians Stephane Dion should be PM, heading a combined Liberal-NDP-Bloc coalition. Mere weeks after, we were told that Michael Ignatieff would now be Liberal leader. The man who was fit to be PM wasn't fit to be the leader of the official opposition. Upon being kicked to the curb by his party, Dion vanished from the public eye, despite being a sitting MP.

Truth be told, there have been more Elvis sitings since that date.


  1. Even my Liberal parents want Dion back!

  2. We at least believed Dion on his agenda. He stood for something and tried to sell it.

    Today the party is a shell and won't stand up for anything other than to attack and criticize.

    It has failed in being a responsible political party in opposition. The Democrats and Separatists have taken advantage of the weakness of the Liberals.

  3. I believe that you mean "sightings" instead of "sitings". Unless you are referring to places where they would like to bury Dion. On second thought...maybe you do have it right.

  4. Here is a hit list to canadians from the past. Read it store it and never ever let those in the media belittle you.

    Tuesday October 3, 2000

    The Real Pierre Trudeau: Father of Canada's Permissive Society

    by Steve Jalsevac,f11e42cd


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