Saturday, March 20, 2010

Happy 90th Birthday

To my mom.


  1. That's great! Hope she has many more birthdays!

  2. Happy 90th,Ma'am.

    My Mom just celebrated her 90th on Feb.3rd. Hope they both have many more to come.


  3. Happy Birthday young lady. May you be Blessed with many more.

  4. Does mom think Canada is a better or worse country than 50 years ago? I like talking to the really elderly they speak their minds when you ask em.' (real conservative)

  5. She is a proud Canadian of Italian decent, and a fan of our PM. A few years ago my sister and her husband, who both help out with the Conservative Party both provincially and federally, were to have dinner with the PM and others. When told my mother was a fan, the PM said bring her too.

    The best thing to talk about with her is health care, as she worked for a family physician for a number of years. She says the system is broke, and gets a little steamed when those like Jack "Sholdice" Layton attack any talk about improving our system.

    When one thinks of what has taken place in her 90 years it's really amazing to think of what she's witnessed and seen over the years.

  6. Think of all the changes she has seen. My g/mother died a few years ago at age 97, and it was her thought that the best invention ever was indoor plumbing.
    Recently attended a birthday party for a friend turning 90. His comment to everyone was, it sure took a long time to get here, and I enjoyed every minute.
    Years ago there was some organization that got a grant to interview seniors, and my g/mother was one of them. That tape, going thru her life, is a treasure. If you have never had her record her life, do it yesterday.


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